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Add cpCutPlane
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Fixes issue #4.
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cbm755 committed Aug 28, 2017
1 parent 09507f7 commit 28fa0b4
Showing 1 changed file with 148 additions and 0 deletions.
148 changes: 148 additions & 0 deletions surfaces/cpCutPlane.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
function [cpx,cpy,cpz,dist,bdy] = cpCutPlane(xx, yy, zz, cpf, point, normal, cp_data)
%cpCutPlane Cut a surface by a oriented plane
% Suppose "cpf" is closest point function or a handle to one.
% [cpx, cpy, cpz, dist, bdy] = cpCutPlane(x, y, z, cpf)
% [...] = cpCutPlane(x, y, z, cpf, plane_pt)
% [...] = cpCutPlane(x, y, z, cpf, plane_pt, plane_normal)
% [...] = cpCutPlane(x, y, z, cpf, plane_pt, plane_normal, cpdata)
% x, y, z: the points for which we compute the closest points.
% plane_pt: a point that the plane goes through. Defaults to the
% origin if omitted or empty.
% plane_normal: normal vector to the plane. Defaults to "[0; 0; 1]"
% if empty or omitted. All parts of the surface below the plane
% will be cut ("below" means in the opposite direction as the normal).
% cp_data: Existing arrays cpx, cpy and cpz can be passed as a cell
% array "cp_data = {cpx, cpy, cpz}". If "cp_data" is omitted, it will
% be calculated by calling "cpf".
% Caveats:
% * Our algorithm is based on a fixed point iteration between the
% surface and the plane. The two must intersect reasonably close
% to orthogonal for convergence.
% * TODO: we lose the original boundary information if the original
% surface was open.
% * TODO: normal harcoded to [0 0 1].

tol = 1e-14;
tol2 = min(1e-3, 1000*tol);

% draw the points as they converge (uses figure(1))
make_plots = true;

if (nargin < 5 || isempty(point))
point = [0; 0; 0];

if (nargin < 6 || isempty(normal))
normal = [0; 0; 1];
warning('WIP: normal hardcoded to 0 0 1')

if (nargin < 7 || isempty(cp_data))
[cpx, cpy, cpz] = cpf(xx, yy, zz);
cpx = cp_data{1};
cpy = cp_data{2};
cpz = cp_data{3};
assert (isequal(size(xx), size(cpx), size(cpy), size(cpz)), ...
'cp data sizes must match coordinate inputs x, y, z')
assert (isequal(size(xx), size(yy), size(zz)), 'coordinate inputs must be same size')

bdy = zeros(size(cpx)); % TODO: assumed zero, should accept in cp_data

assert (numel(point) == 3)
assert (numel(normal) == 3)

xh = point(1); yh = point(2); zh = point(3);

% index of all points whose cp are below the plane
bdy = (cpz - zh) < 0;
bdy = bdy(:);

cx = cpx(bdy);
cy = cpy(bdy);
cz = cpz(bdy);

totalpts = nnz(bdy);

if (make_plots)
hh1 = plot3(cx,cy,cz, 'rx');
hh2 = plot3(cx,cy,cz, 'k.');

iter = 0;
all_dists = inf*ones(size(cx));
all_distp = all_dists;

while (true)
% points that have not yet converged
I = abs(all_dists) > tol | abs(all_distp) > tol;
% points we're curently working on, currently on the surface
x = cx(I);
y = cy(I);
z = cz(I);

if (make_plots)
set(hh1, 'xdata', x, 'ydata', y, 'zdata', z)
set(hh2, 'xdata', cx(~I), 'ydata', cy(~I), 'zdata', cz(~I))

disp(sprintf('iter%2d: %d of %d points have converged, norms = [%.2g, %.2g]', ...
iter, nnz(~I), totalpts, norm(all_dists(I), 2), norm(all_distp(I), 2)));
if (nnz(I) == 0)
iter = iter + 1;

% project onto plane
%[x1, y1, z1, sdist] = cpPlane(x, y, z, point, normal);
x1 = x;
y1 = y;
distp = abs(z - zh);
z1 = ones(size(z))*zh;

% project onto surface
[x2, y2, z2, dists] = cpf(x1, y1, z1);

% cp for surface and cp for plane should be converging to each other
% To avoid (rare?) projecting back and forth infinitly, we check and
% perturb.
dist2=sqrt((x-x2).^2 + (y-y2).^2 + (z-z2).^2);
if (any(dist2 < tol2 & distp > 0.1)) % TODO: should depend on dx?
warning('might not be converged, do we handle this well enough?')
II = (dist2 < tol2 & distp > 0.1);
x2(II) = x2(II) + 1e-5*rand(nnz(II),1); % add perturbation
y2(II) = y2(II) + 1e-5*rand(nnz(II),1);
z2(II) = z2(II) + 1e-5*rand(nnz(II),1);

cx(I) = x2;
cy(I) = y2;
cz(I) = z2;
all_dists(I) = dists;
all_distp(I) = distp;

cpx(bdy) = cx;
cpy(bdy) = cy;
cpz(bdy) = cz;

dist = sqrt((cpx-xx).^2 + (cpy-yy).^2 + (cpz-zz).^2);

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