If using outside of this module import the module.
from blastparser import BLASTParser
Instantiate BLASTParser
bp = BLASTParser("path/to/query/seq", "path/to/blast/db")
Alternatively, to filter blast results using taxids, pass a taxid or a list of taxids to exclude from blast search. This requires that you have get_species_taxids.sh in your path and you used a taxid map when creating your db.
get_species_taxids.sh is part of blast+
For example the call below will exlude all coronaviruses
bp = BLASTParser("path/to/query/seq", "path/to/blast/db", taxids=11118)
Retrieve the parsed hits.
This returns an instance of HitsDataContainer which is essentially just a list with some convience methods I wrote for filtering. The hits list contains instances of HitData.
hits = bp.gethits()
Filters out any hits not containing 5 consecutive matches somewhere in the hit.
hits= hits.filterbymatchlen(5)
You can chain filters together.
hits = hits.filterbymatchlen(5).filterbyident(.60).filterbycover(60)
Only printing first 3 hits for this example.
for hit in hits[:3]:
# you can access the properties of the HitData for each
print(f"Subject accession {hit.subject_accession}")
print(" Query Match range(s):", "".join([f"{match_range[0]}-{match_range[1]}, " for match_range in hit.match_ranges]), " Match len(s):", ", ".join([f"{match_len}" for match_len in hit.match_lengths]))
print(f"Query {hit.query_start:<5d} {hit.aln_query_seq} {hit.query_end:<5d}")
print(f" ", "".join(hit.cigar))
print(f"Subj {hit.subject_start:<5d} {hit.aln_subject_seq} {hit.subject_end:<5d}")
# to handle subbhits (mutliple consecutive hits of >= 5 in a single blast hit)
# remember hit.matches ranges is a lists of lists as structured as below
# [[start_pos_int, end_pos_int], [start_pos_int, end_pos_int], ...]
for index, (start, end) in enumerate(hit.match_ranges):
# subtract 1 from start to go back to 0 based index (blast uses 1 based index)
if end - (start-1) >=5:
#only print subhits greater than 5
print(f"{start} {hit.submatch_seqs[index]} {end}")