This repo contains various infrastructure as code (IaC) projects that I have deployed either locally or in the cloud, where it didn't make sense to keep the infrastructure in the same repo as any particular application.
- Matrix (README)
- I have matrix deployed in an EC2 instance on AWS. The Cloudformation template for creating the AWS resources is in the
- I have matrix deployed in an EC2 instance on AWS. The Cloudformation template for creating the AWS resources is in the
- UptimeKuma (README)
- UptimeKuma is hosted on This directory holds the fly config to deploy the UptimeKuma container to fly.
- rackPis [README]
- I have room for 6 rasberry Pis on in my server rack, currently have 3 raspi 5s. This directory holds the ansible playbooks for installing and configuring everything needed to run services on a docker swarm.