This extension provides a Yii2 widget to display an image picker powered by Unsplash images API.
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
php composer.phar require --prefer-dist cb-techservices/yii2-unsplash "*"
or add
"cb-techservices/yii2-unsplash": "*"
to the require section of your composer.json
Add the following to your main.php config file in your Yii project.
REQUIREMENT: You must have a valid developer account and "App" set up with Unsplash API. Once created, use the app's Access Key and the UTM Source (aka Application Name) for your Yii configuration.
'modules' => [
'unsplash' => [
'class' => 'cbtech\unsplash\UnsplashImagePickerModule',
// ... other configurations for the module ...
'applicationId' => '{ACCESS_KEY}',
'utmSource' => '{UTM_SOURCE}',
Once the extension AND module are installed, simply use it in your code by :
<?= \cbtech\unsplash\UnsplashImagePicker::widget([
"button_text"=>"Choose photo from Unsplash",
"button_class"=>"btn btn-success",
]); ?>
Use Javascript and jQuery to listen for the 'unsplashDownload' event.
$(document).bind('unsplashDownload',"#unsplash-results",function(event, data){
console.log("Download Url = = " + data.downloadUrl);
console.log("All photo view urls = = " + data.urls);
"url":"/project/save-user-project-media-url-ajax", //This is a custom PHP script that recieves the download URL of the photo and downloads it to the server.
"data":{downloadUrl: data.downloadUrl}
$(".file-default-preview").empty().html("<img src='" + + "' style='width:200px;height:200px;object-fit:cover;'/>");
Example PHP action that receives the downloadUrl:
public function actionSaveUserProjectMediaUrlAjax(){
$downloadUrl = \Yii::$app->request->post("downloadUrl"); //Download URL sent via $_POST
//Do something with the downloadUrl, like use it to download a copy of the photo to your server.
- Official Unsplash PHP Library
- Unsplash Developer API
- Yii2 Framework
Yii2 Unsplash Extension is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.