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Kevin Rue-Albrecht edited this page Oct 28, 2021 · 9 revisions

Lesson plan

Brainstorm lesson points, and organise them thematically, to facilitate the design of episodes.

Introduction to Bioconductor

See the episode Introduction to Bioconductor.


  • Mission statement and objectives
  • Brief history of the Bioconductor project (e.g., timeline of milestones)
  • Core publications of the Bioconductor project (i.e., core infrastructure, not research papers simply using Bioconductor packages)
  • Relationship to the CRAN repository
  • Release cycle
  • Types of packages
  • The Bioconductor main website
  • The Bioconductor support website
  • Package classification using biocViews
  • Interoperability of Bioconductor packages
  • Education: Conferences, workshops, courses, (online) books, YouTube channel
  • Communication: support website, Slack workspace, developers mailing list
  • Governance: Scientific, Technical, and Community Advisory Boards (i.e., SAB, TAB, and CAB)
  • Code of Conduct (CoC) Committee
  • Overview of packages in an analytical workflow


  • Find information on the Bioconductor main website
  • Explore software packages using biocViews on the Bioconductor main website
  • Explore annotation packages using biocViews on the Bioconductor main website
  • Explore workflow packages using biocViews on the Bioconductor main website

Installing Bioconductor

See the episode Installing Bioconductor.


  • Installing the BiocManager package
  • Bioconductor releases and their relationship to R versions
  • Versioning of Bioconductor packages
  • The release and devel branches of the Bioconductor repository
  • Installing Bioconductor packages
  • Checking for package updates
  • Updating Bioconductor packages
  • Finding packages using biocViews


  • Install BiocManager from CRAN

Getting help

See the episode Getting help.

Using the local documentation installed with packages

  • Man pages (description, arguments, examples)
  • Vignettes

Using online documentation

  • Package landing pages
  • The Bioconductor main website
  • Educational materials from courses and workshops
  • Workflow packages and vignettes

Asking for help

  • The Bioconductor support site
  • Issues on source code repositories (e.g., GitHub)
  • Why you should not email package developers directly


  • TODO

The S4 class system and Bioconductor common classes

No episode yet.


  • Common data structures: DNAStringSet, GRanges, GAlignments, SummarizedExperiment, TxDb
  • Bioconductor Core Team
  • Less redundancy
  • More interoperability
  • Stability: slow and thoughtful development
  • Part of the review for new packages
  • Classes and basic functionality implemented separately from data processing methods
  • S4 is a formal definition of class slots and types
  • S4 implements inheritance and validity checks


  • TODO

Working with biological strings

See the episode Biostrings.


  • Motivation for representing biological strings as S4 objects
  • Representing a single DNA string
  • Importing a collection of DNA strings from a file
  • Examples of methods available to process biological strings


  • Install the Biostrings package.
  • Inspect the DNA_ALPHABET built-in object.
  • Import a small set of DNA sequences from a FASTA file; inspect the class of the object.
  • Use the letterFrequency() function. Compare with regular character string inputs.
  • List the package vignettes and examine their contents.

Bioconductor and Python

No episode yet.

  • The basilisk package