is an extension for protractor that adds page objects to your functional/e2e tests.
via npm (node package manager)
$ npm install astrolabe
Example signInPage.js
var Page = require('astrolabe').Page;
module.exports = Page.create({
url: { value: '' },
username: { get: function() { return this.findElement('username')); } }, // finds an input element with the name 'username'
submit: { get: function() { return this.findElement('submit')); } } // finds an element with the id 'submit'
can be used in your tests:
var signInPage = require('./path/to/signInPage');
signInPage.go(); // will send browser to ''
signInPage.username.sendKeys('a username'); // will fill the username input with the text 'a username'; // will click on the submit element
It is possible to create convienience methods to wrap up common logic.
Example signInPage.js
var Page = require('astrolabe').Page;
module.exports = Page.create({
url: { value: '' },
username: { get: function() { return this.findElement('username')); } },
password: { get: function() { return this.findElement('password')); } },
submit: { get: function() { return this.findElement('submit')); } },
// Adds a signIn method to the page object.
signIn: { value: function(username, password) {
} }
can be used in your tests:
var signInPage = require('./path/to/signInPage');
signInPage.signIn('test user', 'testpassword'); // will navigate to sign in page, enter username and password then click submit.
Clone the github repository.
git clone
cd astrolabe
npm install
npm test
Install protractor with.
npm install protractor
Start up a selenium server (See the appendix below for help with this). By default, the tests expect the selenium server to be running at http://localhost:4444/wd/hub
The example folder contains a simple test suite which runs against It is a port of the simple test suite included with protractor.
Currently only the protractor runner is supported. The runner accepts a configuration file, which runs the tests at example/onProtractorRunner.js
node_modules/.bin/protractor examples/protractor.conf.js
See Appendix A of protractor's installation instructions