iOS swift library for tokenizing credit/debit card and collect device information Current version: v2.0.13
Please refer to the following documentation sections for field documentation:
- iOS SDK 10.3+
- WebKit.framework
- Download the latest released version (
- Add openpay framework (Openpay.framework)
- Go to General -> Embedded Binaries
- Click "Add items"
- In the popup, click "Add Other..." option
- Select the file "Openpay.framework" and click "Open"
- Check the option "Copy items if needed" and click "Finish"
- Add webkit framework
- Go to General -> Linked Framework and Libraries
- Click "Add items"
- Search for "WebKit.framework", select it and click "Add"
import Openpay
For create an instance Openpay needs:
- MerchantId
- Public API Key
static let MERCHANT_ID = "merchantId"
static let API_KEY = "apiKey"
var openpay : Openpay!
func myFunction() {
openpay = Openpay(withMerchantId: MERCHANT_ID, andApiKey: API_KEY, isProductionMode: false, isDebug: false)
Use isProductionMode = true
var openpay : Openpay!
func myFunction() {
openpay = Openpay(withMerchantId: MERCHANT_ID, andApiKey: API_KEY, isProductionMode: true, isDebug: false)
The framework contains a function for generate a device sessionID. The following parameters are required: -Function to call when SessionID is generated -Function to call when error occurs
var openpay : Openpay!
func myFunction() {
openpay = Openpay(withMerchantId: MERCHANT_ID, andApiKey: API_KEY, isProductionMode: false, isDebug: false)
openpay.createDeviceSessionId(successFunction: successSessionID, failureFunction: failSessionID)
func successSessionID(sessionID: String) {
print("SessionID: \(sessionID)")
func failSessionID(error: NSError) {
print("\(error.code) - \(error.localizedDescription)")
The framework contains a form for the user directly capture his card's minimum required data. For display the form you need to pass the following parameters: -Current UIViewController -Function to call when capture ends -Function to call when error occurs -The title to display at the top of form
var openpay : Openpay!
func myFunction() {
openpay = Openpay(withMerchantId: MERCHANT_ID, andApiKey: API_KEY, isProductionMode: false, isDebug: false)
openpay.loadCardForm(in: self, successFunction: successCard, failureFunction: failCard, formTitle: "Openpay")
func successCard() {
func failCard(error: NSError) {
print("\(error.code) - \(error.localizedDescription)")
For more information about how to create a token, please refer to [Create a token] (
var openpay : Openpay!
func myFunction() {
openpay = Openpay(withMerchantId: MERCHANT_ID, andApiKey: API_KEY, isProductionMode: false, isDebug: false)
openpay.loadCardForm(in: self, successFunction: successCard, failureFunction: failCard, formTitle: "Openpay")
func successCard() {
openpay.createTokenWithCard(address: nil, successFunction: successToken, failureFunction: failToken)
func failCard(error: NSError) {
print("\(error.code) - \(error.localizedDescription)")
func successToken(token: OPToken) {
print("TokenID: \(")
func failToken(error: NSError) {
print("\(error.code) - \(error.localizedDescription)")
The universal framework will run on both simulators and devices. But there is a problem, Apple doesn’t allow to upload the application with unused architectures to the App Store.
Please make sure that you have "Remove Unused Architectures Script" added in your project while releasing your app to App Store.
- Select the Project -> Choose Target -> Project Name -> Select Build Phases -> Press "+" -> New Run Script Phase -> Name the script as "Remove Unused Architectures Script".
for ARCH in $ARCHS
lipo -o "$FRAMEWORK_EXECUTABLE_PATH-merged" -create "${EXTRACTED_ARCHS[@]}"
Thats all !. This run script removes the unused simulator architectures only while pushing the application to the App Store.