First attempt at building a Search Engine in C. Specifically written for a set of WSJ articles from the 80s.
Simple Data structures used are:
- hashtable - dict/vocab
- flexarray - listings/postcount
gcc -W -Wall -ansi -o2 -lm *.c -o executable_name
./executable_name parse file_name
will parse the filename to stdout.
Approximate execution time 1 minutes.
./executable_name index parsed_file_name
will create three index files from this parsed input file:
- index/dictionary
- index/listings
- index/wordcount
You need to ensure there is a folder relative to where you're executing called index for the indexes to be written too. Approximate execution time 2 minutes.
./executable_name search
Will listen on stdin until EOF, therefore we can pipe a line separated query file to this command. The executable must be run with the indexes relative to the executable file. Please change directory to /home/cshome/c/caiau/info-ass and run the executable from here. Index folder is set as 775, and index files within as 644.
execution time, 3 seconds to perform the 50 queries in test-search.txt file
I would like to add better program management around the creation and loading of indexes. Ideally you can index to a specific dir, and also search against a specific dir rather than having to cd but I got lazy.
Potential Bug, when running via hex some of the DOC_IDs are spitting out two ?? after them. I can't replicate this issue when running on local Mac OSX, but this will break automated testing, if it still present. I am compiling with
Apple LLVM version 8.1.0 (clang-802.0.42)
If that changes anything?