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Fix bench-e2e single mode and keep results (#1693)
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This fixes two issues with the `bench-e2e` binary / benchmark:

* Running in `single` mode was not working because of a
`FeeTooSmallUTxO` error
* The `results.csv` is written into a temporary directory and removed,
which makes plotting impossible.

I was in the mood of some refactoring so this contains also various
other changes I encountered while working on the code and I was [tidying
a bit.

The refactoring separated hydra node and payment keys further, which
requires the datasets to be re-generated. I took the freedom to generate
with `--scaling-factor 10` which results in `300` transactions per
client. Should be long enough to identify regressions, with **hopefully
10x shorter benchmark time** in CI.

Another benefit of this separation is that it naturally led to reducing
the assumptions of the `demo` mode by not seeding the hydra node cardano
keys, but re-using `` and consequently looser coupling
between the workload and container setup in our network test workflow.

I'm not 100% happy with how the bench is now requiring the
`--output-directory` to be empty, and in turn the whole state will be
captured as an artifact of our CI. Instead, making the state directory
always a /tmp path and retained in case of errors (or configurable with
`--state-directory`) would be better. But that can go into another PR ..
another time.


* [x] CHANGELOG updated
* [x] Documentation updatedx (README)
* [x] Haddocks updated
* [x] No new TODOs introduced or explained herafter
  - Two XXX notes of what to improve further
  • Loading branch information
ch1bo authored Oct 10, 2024
2 parents dff6655 + ec21ac0 commit 321167e
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Showing 18 changed files with 384 additions and 419 deletions.
23 changes: 3 additions & 20 deletions .github/workflows/network-test.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -69,28 +69,14 @@ jobs:
cd demo
docker compose up -d cardano-node
sleep 5
sleep 2
# :tear: socket permissions.
sudo chown runner:docker devnet/node.socket
HYDRA_SCRIPTS_TX_ID=$(nix run .#hydra-node -- publish-scripts \
--testnet-magic 42 \
--node-socket devnet/node.socket \
--cardano-signing-key devnet/credentials/
nix run .#cardano-cli -- query protocol-parameters \
--testnet-magic 42 \
--socket-path devnet/node.socket \
--out-file /dev/stdout \
| jq ".txFeeFixed = 0 | .txFeePerByte = 0 | .executionUnitPrices.priceMemory = 0 | .executionUnitPrices.priceSteps = 0" \
> devnet/protocol-parameters.json
sudo chmod a+w devnet/node.socket
./ "nix run .#cardano-cli --" "nix run .#hydra-node --"
# Specify two docker compose yamls; the second one overrides the
# images to use the netem ones specifically
docker compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f docker-compose-netem.yaml up -d hydra-node-{1,2,3}
sleep 3
docker ps
- name: Build required nix and docker derivations
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -119,9 +105,6 @@ jobs:
.github/workflows/network/ $target_peer $percent $other_peers
# Run benchmark on demo
mkdir benchmarks
touch benchmarks/test.log
nix run .#legacyPackages.x86_64-linux.hydra-cluster.components.benchmarks.bench-e2e -- \
demo \
--output-directory=benchmarks \
Expand Down
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,7 +40,10 @@ changes.
- Overall this results in transactions still to be submitted once per client,
but requires signifanctly less book-keeping on the client-side.

- Add **Blockfrost Mode** to `hydra-chain-observer`, to follow the chain via Blockfrost API.
- Add blockfrost support to `hydra-chain-observer`, to follow the chain via Blockfrost API.

- Fix `bench-e2e single` benchmarks and only use `--output-directory` to keep
the whole benchmark state.

- Add `inlineDatumRaw` to transaction outputs on the `hydra-node` API.

Expand Down
68 changes: 41 additions & 27 deletions hydra-cluster/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -113,41 +113,55 @@ Run the integration test suite with `cabal test`
# Benchmarks
The benchmark can be run using `cabal bench` and produces a
`results.csv` file in a work directory. To plot the transaction
confirmation times you can use the `bench/` script, passing it
the directory containing the benchmark's results.
The benchmark can be run using `cabal bench` or `cabal run bench-e2e` and
produces a `results.csv` file in a work directory. To plot the transaction
confirmation times you can use the `bench/` script, passing it the
directory containing the benchmark's results.
To run and plot results of the benchmark:
$ cabal bench --benchmark-options 'single'
Running 1 benchmarks...
Benchmark bench-e2e: RUNNING...
Writing transactions to: /run/user/1000/bench-83d18973f95a554d/txs.json
Writing results to: /run/user/1000/bench-6b772589d08f82a5/results.csv
Benchmark bench-e2e: FINISH
$ bench/ /run/user/1000/bench-6b772589d08f82a5
Created plot: /run/user/1000/bench-6b772589d08f82a5/results.png
cabal run bench-e2e -- single --output-directory out"
bench/ out
Note that if it's present in the environment, benchnark executable will gather basic system-level statistics about the RAM, CPU, and network bandwidth used. The `` script then displays those alongside tx confirmation time in a single graph.
Which will produce an output like:
The benchmark can be run in two modes corresponding to two different commands:
* `single`: Runs a single _dataset_ either freshly generated in some temporary directory or pre-existing. This is useful to either generate data or to run experiments.
* `datasets`: Runs one or more preexisting _datasets_ in sequence and collect their results in a single markdown formatted file. This is useful to track the evolution of hydra-node's performance over some well-known datasets over time and produce a human-readable summary.
Check out `cabal bench --benchmark-options --help` for more details.
# Network Testing
Generating dataset with scaling factor: 10
Writing dataset to: out/dataset.json
Test logs available in: out/test.log
Starting benchmark
Seeding network
Fund scenario from faucet
Fuel node key "16e61ed92346eb0b0bd1c6d8c0f924b4d1278996a61043a0a42afad193e5f3fb"
Publishing hydra scripts
Starting hydra cluster in out
Initializing Head
Comitting initialUTxO from dataset
Client 1 (node 0): 0/300 (0.00%)
Client 1 (node 0): 266/300 (88.67%)
All transactions confirmed. Sweet!
Closing the Head
Finalizing the Head
Writing results to: out/results.csv
Confirmed txs/Total expected txs: 300/300 (100.00 %)
Average confirmation time (ms): 18.747147496
P99: 23.100851369999994ms
P95: 19.81722345ms
P50: 18.532922ms
Invalid txs: 0
Writing report to: out/
line 0: warning: Cannot find or open file "out/system.csv"
Created plot: out/results.png
The benchmark can be also run over the running `demo` hydra-cluster, using `cabal bench` and produces a
`results.csv` file in a work directory. Same as for benchmarks results, you can use the `bench/` script to plot the transaction confirmation times.
Note that if it's present in the environment, benchmark executable will gather basic system-level statistics about the RAM, CPU, and network bandwidth used. The `` script then displays those alongside tx confirmation time in a single graph.
To run the benchmark in this mode, the command is:
* `demo`: Runs a single _dataset_ freshly generated and collects its results in a markdown formatted file. The purpose of this setup is to facilitate a variaty of network-resiliance scenarios, such as packet loss or node failures. This is useful to prove the robustness and performance of the hydra-node's network over time and produce a human-readable summary.
The benchmark can be run in three modes:
For instance, we make use of this in our [CI]( to keep track for scenarios that we care about.
* `single`: Generate a single _dataset_ and runs the benchmark with it.
* `datasets`: Runs one or more pre-existing _datasets_ in sequence and collect their results in a single markdown formatted file. This is useful to track the evolution of hydra-node's performance over some well-known datasets over time and produce a human-readable summary.
* `demo`: Generates transactions against an already running network of cardano and hydra nodes. This can serve as a workload when testing network-resiliance scenarios, such as packet loss or node failures. See [this CI workflow]( for how it is used.
89 changes: 38 additions & 51 deletions hydra-cluster/bench/Bench/EndToEnd.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ import Control.Lens (to, (^..), (^?))
import Control.Monad.Class.MonadAsync (mapConcurrently)
import Data.Aeson (Result (Error, Success), Value, encode, fromJSON, (.=))
import Data.Aeson.Lens (key, values, _JSON, _Number, _String)
import Data.Aeson.Types (parseMaybe)
import Data.List qualified as List
import Data.Map qualified as Map
import Data.Scientific (Scientific)
Expand All @@ -32,18 +31,15 @@ import Data.Time (UTCTime (UTCTime), utctDayTime)
import Hydra.Cardano.Api (NetworkId, SocketPath, Tx, TxId, UTxO, getVerificationKey, signTx)
import Hydra.Cluster.Faucet (FaucetLog (..), publishHydraScriptsAs, returnFundsToFaucet', seedFromFaucet)
import Hydra.Cluster.Fixture (Actor (..))
import Hydra.Cluster.Scenarios (
EndToEndLog (..),
import Hydra.Generator (ClientDataset (..), ClientKeys (..), Dataset (..))
import Hydra.Cluster.Scenarios (EndToEndLog (..))
import Hydra.Generator (ClientDataset (..), Dataset (..))
import Hydra.Logging (
import Hydra.Network (Host)
import Hydra.Tx (HeadId, Party, deriveParty, txId)
import Hydra.Tx (HeadId, txId)
import Hydra.Tx.ContestationPeriod (ContestationPeriod (UnsafeContestationPeriod))
import Hydra.Tx.Crypto (generateSigningKey)
import HydraNode (
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -75,25 +71,15 @@ import Text.Printf (printf)
import Text.Regex.TDFA (getAllTextMatches, (=~))
import Prelude (read)

data Event = Event
{ submittedAt :: UTCTime
, validAt :: Maybe UTCTime
, invalidAt :: Maybe UTCTime
, confirmedAt :: Maybe UTCTime
deriving stock (Generic, Eq, Show)
deriving anyclass (ToJSON)

bench :: Int -> NominalDiffTime -> FilePath -> Dataset -> IO Summary
bench startingNodeId timeoutSeconds workDir dataset@Dataset{clientDatasets} = do
bench startingNodeId timeoutSeconds workDir dataset = do
putStrLn $ "Test logs available in: " <> (workDir </> "test.log")
withFile (workDir </> "test.log") ReadWriteMode $ \hdl ->
withTracerOutputTo hdl "Test" $ \tracer ->
failAfter timeoutSeconds $ do
putTextLn "Starting benchmark"
let cardanoKeys = map (\ClientDataset{clientKeys = ClientKeys{signingKey}} -> (getVerificationKey signingKey, signingKey)) clientDatasets
let cardanoKeys = hydraNodeKeys dataset <&> \sk -> (getVerificationKey sk, sk)
let hydraKeys = generateSigningKey . show <$> [1 .. toInteger (length cardanoKeys)]
let parties = Set.fromList (deriveParty <$> hydraKeys)
withOSStats workDir $
withCardanoNodeDevnet (contramap FromCardanoNode tracer) workDir $ \node@RunningNode{nodeSocket} -> do
putTextLn "Seeding network"
Expand All @@ -103,10 +89,9 @@ bench startingNodeId timeoutSeconds workDir dataset@Dataset{clientDatasets} = do
putStrLn $ "Starting hydra cluster in " <> workDir
let hydraTracer = contramap FromHydraNode tracer
let contestationPeriod = UnsafeContestationPeriod 10
withHydraCluster hydraTracer workDir nodeSocket startingNodeId cardanoKeys hydraKeys hydraScriptsTxId contestationPeriod $ \(leader :| followers) -> do
let clients = leader : followers
withHydraCluster hydraTracer workDir nodeSocket startingNodeId cardanoKeys hydraKeys hydraScriptsTxId contestationPeriod $ \clients -> do
waitForNodesConnected hydraTracer 20 clients
scenario hydraTracer node workDir dataset parties leader followers
scenario hydraTracer node workDir dataset clients

benchDemo ::
NetworkId ->
Expand All @@ -129,14 +114,13 @@ benchDemo networkId nodeSocket timeoutSeconds hydraClients workDir dataset@Datas
Just node -> do
putTextLn "Seeding network"
seedNetwork node dataset (contramap FromFaucet tracer)
let clientSks = clientKeys <$> clientDatasets
(`finally` returnFaucetFunds tracer node clientSks) $ do
(`finally` returnFaucetFunds tracer node) $ do
putStrLn $ "Connecting to hydra cluster: " <> show hydraClients
let hydraTracer = contramap FromHydraNode tracer
withHydraClientConnections hydraTracer (hydraClients `zip` [1 ..]) [] $ \case
[] -> error "no hydra clients provided"
(leader : followers) ->
scenario hydraTracer node workDir dataset mempty leader followers
scenario hydraTracer node workDir dataset (leader :| followers)
withHydraClientConnections tracer apiHosts connections action = do
case apiHosts of
Expand All @@ -145,40 +129,34 @@ benchDemo networkId nodeSocket timeoutSeconds hydraClients workDir dataset@Datas
withConnectionToNodeHost tracer peerId apiHost (Just "/?history=no") $ \con -> do
withHydraClientConnections tracer rest (con : connections) action

returnFaucetFunds tracer node cKeys = do
returnFaucetFunds tracer node = do
putTextLn "Returning funds to faucet"
let faucetTracer = contramap FromFaucet tracer
let senders = concatMap @[] (\(ClientKeys sk esk) -> [sk, esk]) cKeys
( \sender -> do
returnAmount <- returnFundsToFaucet' faucetTracer node sender
traceWith faucetTracer $ ReturnedFunds{actor = show sender, returnAmount}
forM (hydraNodeKeys dataset <> (paymentKey <$> clientDatasets)) $ \sk -> do
returnAmount <- returnFundsToFaucet' faucetTracer node sk
traceWith faucetTracer $ ReturnedFunds{returnAmount}

-- | Runs the benchmark scenario given a list of clients. The first client is
-- used to drive the life-cycle of the head.
scenario ::
Tracer IO HydraNodeLog ->
RunningNode ->
FilePath ->
Dataset ->
Set Party ->
HydraClient ->
[HydraClient] ->
NonEmpty HydraClient ->
IO Summary
scenario hydraTracer node workDir Dataset{clientDatasets, title, description} parties leader followers = do
scenario hydraTracer node workDir Dataset{clientDatasets, title, description} nonEmptyClients = do
let clusterSize = fromIntegral $ length clientDatasets
let clients = leader : followers
let leader = head nonEmptyClients
clients = toList nonEmptyClients
let totalTxs = sum $ map (length . txSequence) clientDatasets

putTextLn "Initializing Head"
send leader $ input "Init" []
headId <-
waitForAllMatch (fromIntegral $ 10 * clusterSize) clients $ \v ->
headIsInitializingWith parties v
<|> do
guard $ v ^? key "tag" == Just "HeadIsInitializing"
headId <- v ^? key "headId"
parseMaybe parseJSON headId :: Maybe HeadId
headId :: HeadId <-
waitForAllMatch (fromIntegral $ 10 * clusterSize) clients $ \v -> do
guard $ v ^? key "tag" == Just "HeadIsInitializing"
v ^? key "headId" . _JSON

putTextLn "Comitting initialUTxO from dataset"
expectedUTxO <- commitUTxO node clients clientDatasets
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -322,18 +300,18 @@ movingAverage confirmations =
-- | Distribute 100 ADA fuel, starting funds from faucet for each client in the
-- dataset.
seedNetwork :: RunningNode -> Dataset -> Tracer IO FaucetLog -> IO ()
seedNetwork node@RunningNode{nodeSocket, networkId} Dataset{fundingTransaction, clientDatasets} tracer = do
seedNetwork node@RunningNode{nodeSocket, networkId} Dataset{fundingTransaction, hydraNodeKeys} tracer = do
forM_ (clientKeys <$> clientDatasets) fuelWith100Ada
forM_ hydraNodeKeys fuelWith100Ada
fundClients = do
putTextLn "Fund scenario from faucet"
submitTransaction networkId nodeSocket fundingTransaction
void $ awaitTransaction networkId nodeSocket fundingTransaction

fuelWith100Ada ClientKeys{signingKey} = do
fuelWith100Ada signingKey = do
let vk = getVerificationKey signingKey
putTextLn $ "Seed client " <> show vk
putTextLn $ "Fuel node key " <> show vk
seedFromFaucet node vk 100_000_000 tracer

-- | Commit all (expected to exit) 'initialUTxO' from the dataset using the
Expand All @@ -342,12 +320,21 @@ commitUTxO :: RunningNode -> [HydraClient] -> [ClientDataset] -> IO UTxO
commitUTxO node clients clientDatasets =
mconcat <$> forM (zip clients clientDatasets) doCommit
doCommit (client, ClientDataset{initialUTxO, clientKeys = ClientKeys{externalSigningKey}}) = do
doCommit (client, ClientDataset{initialUTxO, paymentKey}) = do
requestCommitTx client initialUTxO
<&> signTx externalSigningKey
<&> signTx paymentKey
>>= submitTx node
pure initialUTxO

data Event = Event
{ submittedAt :: UTCTime
, validAt :: Maybe UTCTime
, invalidAt :: Maybe UTCTime
, confirmedAt :: Maybe UTCTime
deriving stock (Generic, Eq, Show)
deriving anyclass (ToJSON)

processTransactions :: [HydraClient] -> [ClientDataset] -> IO (Map.Map TxId Event)
processTransactions clients clientDatasets = do
let processors = zip (zip clientDatasets (cycle clients)) [1 ..]
Expand Down
49 changes: 25 additions & 24 deletions hydra-cluster/bench/Bench/Options.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,17 +6,36 @@ import Hydra.Cardano.Api (NetworkId, SocketPath)
import Hydra.Chain (maximumNumberOfParties)
import Hydra.Network (Host, readHost)
import Hydra.Options (networkIdParser, nodeSocketParser)
import Options.Applicative (Parser, ParserInfo, auto, command, fullDesc, header, help, helpDoc, helper, hsubparser, info, long, maybeReader, metavar, option, progDesc, short, str, strOption, value)
import Options.Applicative (
import Options.Applicative.Builder (argument)
import Options.Applicative.Help (Doc, align, fillSep, line, (<+>))

data Options
= StandaloneOptions
{ workDirectory :: Maybe FilePath
{ scalingFactor :: Int
, clusterSize :: Word64
, outputDirectory :: Maybe FilePath
, scalingFactor :: Int
, timeoutSeconds :: NominalDiffTime
, clusterSize :: Word64
, startingNodeId :: Int
| DatasetOptions
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -65,28 +84,10 @@ standaloneOptionsInfo =
standaloneOptionsParser :: Parser Options
standaloneOptionsParser =
<$> optional
( strOption
( long "work-directory"
<> helpDoc
( Just $
"Directory containing generated transactions, UTxO set, log files for spawned processes, etc."
<> item
[ "If the directory exists, it's assumed to be used for replaying"
, "a previous benchmark and is expected to contain 'txs.json' and"
, "'utxo.json' files,"
<> item
[ "If the directory does not exist, it will be created and"
, "populated with new transactions and UTxO set."
<$> scalingFactorParser
<*> clusterSizeParser
<*> optional outputDirectoryParser
<*> scalingFactorParser
<*> timeoutParser
<*> clusterSizeParser
<*> startingNodeIdParser

item :: [Doc] -> Doc
Expand Down

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