We have published the beautiful dog-oriented slides we use for this course here. Feel free to take a look a them.
echo "export PREFIX=lab$RANDOM" > prefix.sh
source prefix.sh
az login
az account show
az account list-locations --output table
az provider list --output table
az provider register --name Microsoft.KeyVault
az group create --name $PREFIX-rg --location westeurope
az storage account create \
--name ${PREFIX}stacc \
-g $PREFIX-rg \
--kind StorageV2 \
--sku Standard_LRS
az storage blob service-properties update \
--account-name ${PREFIX}stacc \
--static-website \
--404-document 404.html \
--index-document index.html \
--output table
mkdir web
wget https://pastebin.com/raw/Y1D5zYNR -O web/index.html
wget https://pastebin.com/raw/jxEqVD29 -O web/404.html
az storage blob upload-batch \
--account-name ${PREFIX}stacc \
--source web \
--destination \$web \
--output table
az storage account show \
--name ${PREFIX}stacc \
--query "primaryEndpoints.web" \
--output tsv
- Azure SQL, Azure database for Mysql, Azure database for Postresql
- Logical servers
- Databases
- Serverless model
echo $SQL_PASS > sql_pass.txt
# Change DB_PREFIX variable to `common` if the instructors asks for it
az sql server create \
--resource-group $DB_PREFIX-rg \
--name $DB_PREFIX-pokemondb-server \
--admin-user dbadmin \
--admin-password $SQL_PASS \
--output table
# Discuss about db capacity planning
az sql db create \
--resource-group $DB_PREFIX-rg \
--server $DB_PREFIX-pokemondb-server \
--name $PREFIX-pokemonDB \
--auto-pause-delay 600 \
--edition GeneralPurpose \
--family Gen5 \
--capacity 1 \
--compute-model Serverless \
--zone-redundant false \
--tags Owner=$DB_PREFIX Project=pokemon \
--output table
MY_IP=$(curl ifconfig.co -s)
az sql server firewall-rule create \
--resource-group $DB_PREFIX-rg \
--name $PREFIX-pokemondb-server-fw-rule \
--server $DB_PREFIX-pokemondb-server \
--start-ip-address $MY_IP \
--end-ip-address $MY_IP \
--output table
wget -qO- https://packages.microsoft.com/keys/microsoft.asc | sudo apt-key add -
sudo curl -o /etc/apt/sources.list.d/microsoft.list "https://packages.microsoft.com/config/ubuntu/$(lsb_release -sr)/prod.list"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mssql-cli -y
mssql-cli --version
mssql-cli \
--username dbadmin \
--password $SQL_PASS \
--server $SQL_URL \
--database $PREFIX-pokemonDB \
--query "\ld"
curl https://pastebin.com/raw/3jkbTTSq -s | \
mssql-cli \
--username dbadmin \
--password $SQL_PASS \
--server $SQL_URL \
--database $PREFIX-pokemonDB
az keyvault create \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--name $PREFIX-vault \
--output table
# Execute it twice and compare .PrincipalId to talk about idempotency
az identity create \
--name $PREFIX-pokemonapp-msi \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg
PRINCIPAL=$(az identity show \
--name $PREFIX-pokemonapp-msi \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--query principalId \
--output tsv) && echo $PRINCIPAL
az keyvault set-policy \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--name $PREFIX-vault \
--secret-permission get \
--object-id $PRINCIPAL \
--output table
SQL_CONN=$(az sql db show-connection-string \
--client odbc \
--auth-type SqlPassword \
--name $PREFIX-pokemonDB \
--server $DB_PREFIX-pokemondb-server \
--output tsv | \
awk '{gsub("<username>", "dbadmin", $0); print}' | \
awk '{gsub("<password>", p, $0); print}' p="$SQL_PASS") && echo $SQL_CONN
az keyvault secret set \
--vault-name $PREFIX-vault \
--name "PokemonDBConn" \
--value "$SQL_CONN"
az network vnet create \
-g $PREFIX-rg \
--name $PREFIX-vnet \
--address-prefix \
--subnet-name $PREFIX-subnet-public \
# This will only work with subscription-wide privileges
az network vnet list-endpoint-services \
--location westeurope \
--output table
az network vnet subnet update \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--vnet-name $PREFIX-vnet \
--name $PREFIX-subnet-public \
--service-endpoints Microsoft.Sql \
--output table
# Subnet and Azure SQL may be in different resource groups, so we need the full resource name
SUBNET_ID=$(az network vnet subnet show --resource-group $PREFIX-rg --vnet-name $PREFIX-vnet --name $PREFIX-subnet-public --query id --output tsv) && echo Public subnet ID: $SUBNET_ID
az sql server vnet-rule create \
--name $PREFIX-pokemondb-server-firewall-rule \
--resource-group $DB_PREFIX-rg \
--server $DB_PREFIX-pokemondb-server \
--subnet $SUBNET_ID
az network nsg create \
--name $PREFIX-pokemon-nsg \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg
az network nsg rule create \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--name $PREFIX-pokemon-nsg-ssh \
--nsg-name $PREFIX-pokemon-nsg \
--priority 220 \
--access Allow \
--source-address-prefixes $MY_IP \
--destination-port-ranges 22 \
--protocol Tcp \
--description "Allow ssh administration (bad idea)"
az network nsg rule create \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--name $PREFIX-pokemon-nsg-web \
--nsg-name $PREFIX-pokemon-nsg \
--priority 200 \
--access Allow \
--source-address-prefixes Internet \
--destination-port-ranges 80 8080 \
--protocol Tcp \
--description "Allow traffic to pokemon app"
# Show all resources created: PublicIP, VMNic, vm-Disk and vm
az vm create \
--name $PREFIX-pokemon-vm \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--image UbuntuLTS \
--admin-username $PREFIX \
--vnet-name $PREFIX-vnet \
--subnet $PREFIX-subnet-public \
--authentication-type ssh \
--assign-identity $PREFIX-pokemonapp-msi \
--nsg $PREFIX-pokemon-nsg \
--generate-ssh-keys \
--size Standard_DS1_v2 \
--tags Owner=$PREFIX Project=pokemon Name="Pokemon VM"
cat << EOF > script-pokemon.sh
sudo apt update
sudo apt -y install curl dirmngr apt-transport-https lsb-release ca-certificates
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_12.x | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt -y install nodejs gcc g++ make
git clone https://github.com/ciberado/pokemon-nodejs
cd pokemon-nodejs
git checkout azure-demo
npm install
export PORT=8080
export KEY_VAULT_URI=https://$PREFIX-vault.vault.azure.net
# Important: avoid blocking the extension mechanism by running the app in background
node app.js > app.log &
az storage blob upload \
--account-name ${PREFIX}stacc \
--container-name \$web \
--file ./script-pokemon.sh \
--name script-pokemon.sh \
--output table
SCRIPT_URL=$(az storage account show \
--name ${PREFIX}stacc \
--query "primaryEndpoints.web" \
--output tsv)script-pokemon.sh && echo $SCRIPT_URL
az vm extension set \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--vm-name $PREFIX-pokemon-vm \
--name customScript \
--publisher Microsoft.Azure.Extensions \
--settings "{\"fileUris\": [\"$SCRIPT_URL\"],\"commandToExecute\": \"./script-pokemon.sh\"}"
VM_IP=$(az vm list-ip-addresses \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--name $PREFIX-pokemon-vm \
--query [0].virtualMachine.network.publicIpAddresses[0].ipAddress \
--output tsv) && echo $VM_IP
ssh $PREFIX@$VM_IP \
sudo cat /var/lib/waagent/custom-script/download/0/pokemon-nodejs/app.log
echo Click here: http://$VM_IP:8080
az storage queue create \
--account-name ${PREFIX}stacc \
--name healthbeats \
--output table
SA_ID=$(az storage account show --name ${PREFIX}stacc -g $PREFIX-rg --query id --output tsv) && echo $SA_ID
PRINCIPAL=$(az identity show --name $PREFIX-pokemonapp-msi --resource-group $PREFIX-rg --query principalId --output tsv) && echo $PRINCIPAL
until az role assignment create \
--assignee $PRINCIPAL \
--role 'Owner' \
--scope $SA_ID
echo "Trying again role assignment."
sleep 10
until az role assignment create \
--assignee $PRINCIPAL \
--role 'Storage Queue Data Contributor' \
--scope $SA_ID
echo "Trying again role assignment."
sleep 10
cat << EOF > script-pokemon-healthbeat.sh
sudo apt update
sudo apt -y install curl dirmngr apt-transport-https lsb-release ca-certificates
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_12.x | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt -y install nodejs gcc g++ make
git clone https://github.com/ciberado/pokemon-nodejs
cd pokemon-nodejs
git checkout azure-demo
npm install
export PORT=8080
export KEY_VAULT_URI=https://$PREFIX-vault.vault.azure.net
node app.js > app.log &
# This time, using custom-data
az vm create \
--name $PREFIX-pokemon-vm-healthbeat \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--image UbuntuLTS \
--admin-username $PREFIX \
--vnet-name $PREFIX-vnet \
--subnet $PREFIX-subnet-public \
--authentication-type ssh \
--assign-identity $PREFIX-pokemonapp-msi \
--nsg $PREFIX-pokemon-nsg \
--generate-ssh-keys \
--size Standard_DS1_v2 \
--tags Owner=$PREFIX Project=pokemon Name="Pokemon VM" \
--custom-data script-pokemon-healthbeat.sh
VM_IP_HC=$(az vm list-ip-addresses \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--name $PREFIX-pokemon-vm-healthbeat \
--query [0].virtualMachine.network.publicIpAddresses[0].ipAddress \
--output tsv) && echo $VM_IP_HC
sudo tail /var/log/cloud-init-output.log --follow
sudo tail /pokemon-nodejs/app.log --follow
echo Click here: http://$VM_IP_HC:8080
az storage message get \
--account-name ${PREFIX}stacc \
--queue-name healthbeats \
--num-messages 32
az network public-ip create \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--name $PREFIX-lb-ip \
--allocation-method Static \
--sku Standard \
--output table
az network lb create \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--name $PREFIX-lb \
--public-ip-address $PREFIX-lb-ip \
--frontend-ip-name $PREFIX-lb-frontend-pool \
--backend-pool-name $PREFIX-backend-pool \
--sku Standard \
--tags Owner=$PREFIX Project=pokemon
az network lb probe create \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--lb-name $PREFIX-lb \
--name $PREFIX-lb-probe \
--port 8080 \
--protocol http \
--path /health \
--interval 30
az network lb rule create \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--name $PREFIX-lb-rule \
--backend-port 8080 \
--frontend-port 80 \
--lb-name $PREFIX-lb \
--protocol Tcp \
--backend-pool-name $PREFIX-backend-pool \
--load-distribution Default \
--probe-name $PREFIX-lb-probe
az network nsg create \
--name $PREFIX-pokemon-vmss-nsg \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg
az network nsg rule create \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--name $PREFIX-pokemon-vmss-nsg-rule-from-lb \
--nsg-name $PREFIX-pokemon-vmss-nsg \
--priority 200 \
--access Allow \
--source-address-prefixes AzureLoadBalancer \
--destination-port-ranges 8080 \
--protocol Tcp \
--description "Allow traffic to pokemon app from any L4 LoadBalancer"
az network nsg rule create \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--name $PREFIX-pokemon-vmss-nsg-rule-from-troubleshooting \
--nsg-name $PREFIX-pokemon-vmss-nsg \
--priority 220 \
--access Allow \
--source-address-prefixes "*" \
--destination-port-ranges 8080 22 \
--protocol Tcp \
--description "Allow traffic to pokemon app for troubleshooting"
az vmss create \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--name $PREFIX-pokemon-vmss \
--computer-name-prefix $PREFIX-pokemon-vmss-vm \
--instance-count 2 \
--vnet-name $PREFIX-vnet \
--subnet $PREFIX-subnet-public \
--public-ip-per-vm \
--public-ip-address-allocation static \
--load-balancer $PREFIX-lb \
--backend-pool-name $PREFIX-backend-pool \
--zones 2 \
--nsg $PREFIX-pokemon-vmss-nsg \
--image UbuntuLTS \
--vm-sku Standard_DS1_v2 \
--upgrade-policy-mode Automatic \
--admin-username $PREFIX \
--generate-ssh-keys \
--assign-identity $PREFIX-pokemonapp-msi \
--tags Owner=$PREFIX Project=pokemon \
--custom-data script-pokemon-healthbeat.sh
VMSS_VM0_IP=$(az vmss list-instance-public-ips \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--name $PREFIX-pokemon-vmss \
--query [0].ipAddress \
--output tsv) && echo $VMSS_VM0_IP
sudo tail /var/log/cloud-init-output.log --follow
ssh $PREFIX@$VMSS_VM0_IP tail /pokemon-nodejs/app.log --follow
LB_IP=$(az network public-ip show \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--name $PREFIX-lb-ip \
--query ipAddress \
--output TSV) && echo "Click on http://$LB_IP"
az appservice plan create \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--name ${PREFIX}-prod-plan \
--sku S1 \
az webapp create \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--name ${PREFIX}-prod \
--plan ${PREFIX}-prod-plan \
--deployment-container-image-name nginx
az webapp log config \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--name ${PREFIX}-prod \
--application-logging true \
--detailed-error-messages true \
--docker-container-logging filesystem
az webapp deployment slot create \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--name ${PREFIX}-prod \
--slot secondary
az webapp log config \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--name ${PREFIX}-prod \
--slot secondary \
--application-logging true \
--detailed-error-messages true \
--docker-container-logging filesystem
SA_CONN_STR=$(az storage account show-connection-string \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--name ${PREFIX}stacc \
--query connectionString \
--output tsv)
az webapp config appsettings set \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--name ${PREFIX}-prod \
az webapp config appsettings set \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--name ${PREFIX}-prod \
--slot secondary \
az webapp config container set \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--name ${PREFIX}-prod \
--docker-custom-image-name ciberado/pokemon-dashboard:0.0.1 \
--slot secondary
WEBAPP_PRODUCTION=$(az webapp show \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--name ${PREFIX}-prod \
--query defaultHostName \
--output tsv) && echo Click on https://$WEBAPP_PRODUCTION
WEBAPP_SECONDARY=$(az webapp show \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--name ${PREFIX}-prod \
--slot secondary \
--query defaultHostName \
--output tsv) && echo Click on https://$WEBAPP_SECONDARY
az webapp traffic-routing set \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--name $PREFIX-prod \
--distribution secondary=50
az webapp deployment slot swap \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--name $PREFIX-prod \
--action swap \
--slot secondary
This is the tutorial you are looking for.