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Josh Dean edited this page Jun 30, 2013 · 4 revisions

@page RecipesEverything Everything Together @parent Recipes 4

@body The following recipes show a bunch of functionality working together.

Basic Todo

This recipe demonstrates the very basic todo app covered in the [Tutorial tutorial]. You can select a todo and edit it's text. You can also delete a todo. The app is also history enabled, letting you move forward and back through different todos.

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How it works

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The app starts by creating a Todo model that connects to a dummy data store (just an array). The findAll, findOne, update and destroy methods simply returning the required deferreds.

It then creates a Todos control that manages a list of todos. When a new Todos control is created on an element via new Todos("#todos") it uses the Todo model to findAll todo instances, renders them with todosEJS and inserts them into the Todos control instance's element.

The template todosEJS iterates through each todo instance using list. For each todo, it creates an <li> element. It adds the instance's data to the <li> element's $.data with: <%= (el) ->'todo',todo) %>. Within each <li> it creates a checkbox, span to contain the name, and destroy link. EJS's live-binding will be used to update the checkbox's checked attribute, the span's class attribute, and the span's content.

Todos also binds on various events such as "li click", "li .complete click", and "li .destroy click". Here's what they do:

"li click" triggers a synthetic selected event on the li clicked with the model data. This is a great technique for making reusable event-based widgets. This selected event is listened to by the Routing control.

"li .complete click" gets the todo instance clicked from $.data and updates it's complete property. EJSs live-binding will take care of updating the DOM for you.

"li .destroy click" gets the todo instance from $.data and destroys it. When an instance in a list is destroyed, it is automatically removed from the list. EJS's list method listens for these changes and automatically updates the DOM.

Next, an Editor control constructor is created. Editor is designed to take a todo instance and edit it's name property. First a new Editor is created on an element like:

@codestart var editor = new Editor("#editor") @codeend

And an instance to edit is passed like:

@codestart editor.todo( todo ); @codeend

When editor.todo( todo ) is called, it updates the editor's todo option and calls this.on(). This rebinds the editor's event handlers like "{todo} updated" and "{todo} destroyed" to bind to the updated todo option. Then it calls this.setName() which updates the editor element's value.

"{todo} updated" listens when a todo has been updated on the server and updates the name.

"{todo} destroyed" hides the editor if it's todo has been destroyed.

"change" listens to the input element's value changing, updates the todo's name attribute and saves it to to the server.

Finally a Routing control constructor is created that manages the interaction between an Editor and Todos control. Routing is a traditional controller, while Editor and Todos are traditional views. When a new Routing is created, it creates an Editor and Todos control. It also listens to changes in routes with "route" and "todos/:id route".

"route" matches when the hash is empty and hides the editor.

"todos/:id route" matches when the route is like #!todos/5. When this happens, it shows the editor, loads that Todo with the model, and passed it to the editor.

Routing also listens to an "li selected" event. This is the event created by the Todos control. When this event happens, Routing updates the hash with the select todo's id.

Paginated Grid with Buttons

Paginate through a list of links. This recipe shows how to use can.Observe can can.compute to organize client state and pass it to child controls.

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How it works

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