As part of the 42 cursus, this project's goal was to recode printf (C standard library).
The printf function takes a format string and optional arguments and produce a formatted sequence of characters for output. More info here.
A conversion specification consists of a % followed by optional fields and the required type field:
Supported conversion types:
- c: character
- s: string
- p: pointer
- d, i: signed decimal
- u: unsigned decimal
- o: unsigned octal
- x, X: unsigned hexadecimal
- %: "%" sign
- n: number of characters written so far is stored into integer (int * argument expected)
- f: double to decimal notation [-]ddd.ddd
- e: double to scientific notation [-]d.ddde±dd
- g: double to f or g style, depending on the number of signicant digits informed as precision
Supported flags:
- - : left-align
- 0: left padding with zeros (instead of spaces)
- + : always place sign (+ or -) before a number produced by a signed conversion
- ' ' (space) : put a space before positive number produced by a signed conversion
- # : alternate form for the following conversions:
- x, X: prefix "0x" (or "0X")
- o: prefix 0
- f, e: result always contains a decimal point
- g: result always contains a decimal point and trailing zeros are not removed
Width: minimum width of the output (result is padded with spaces to the left to meet this requirement, unless specified by flags 0 or -)
- integer conversions (d, i, o, u, x, X): minimum number of digits
- float conversions (f, e): number of digits after decimal point
- g conversion: number of significant digits
- string conversion (s): maximum number of characters to be printed
The width and precision specifiers expect a decimal digit string or a * combined with an int argument (before the argument to be converted).
Supported length modifiers (integer conversions):
- l: long *
- ll : long long
- h: short
- hh : char
* For c and s conversions:
- %lc: wide character (wint_t argument expected)
- %ls: wide string conversion (wchar_t * argument expected)