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Secure ALL the things!

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This project requires a running instance of Postgres and the connection string to be configured (see configuration section below).

To download and install Postgres you can follow the instructions here. It is further possible to install Postgres as a stand-alone installation from the binaries or run postgres in a docker container using the following command:

docker run --name postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -e POSTGRES_DB=ironclad -d -p 5432:5432 postgres:10.1-alpine

NOTE: If you are running Ironclad inside a docker container pointing to Postgres running on your Windows machine then make sure to set the host in the connection string to


User Secrets Configuration

This project requires specification of user secrets in order to function. The secrets configuration mechanism differs when running the project directly or running inside a container.

  • If running the project from Visual Studio:
    You need to configure the user secrets for the project. The contents of the secrets.json configuration file should match the expected required configuration.
    eg. (please note: secret values are invalid)

      "server": {
        "database": "Host=localhost;Database=ironclad;Username=postgres;Password=postgres;Port=5432;"
      "api": {
        "client_id": "auth_api",
        "secret": "api_secret"
  • If you are running the project from the command line:
    You need to configure the user secrets for the project. This can be done via the command line in either Windows or Linux. You can set the secrets using the following command from within the src/Ironclad folder. You may need to run a dotnet restore before you try the following commands.

    dotnet user-secrets set "server:database" "Host=localhost;Database=ironclad;Username=username;Password=password;"
    dotnet user-secrets set "api:client_id" "auth_api"
    dotnet user-secrets set "api:secret" "api_secret"
  • If running the project inside a container:
    You need to configure the environment variables used to run the docker container. To do this you need to create an .env file in the src/Docker folder and enter key/value pairs in the format KEY=VALUE for each secret. The contents of the .env configuration file should match the expected required configuration.
    eg. (please note: secret values are invalid)


Optional Machine Specific Configuration

In addition, you can configure aspects of the application for the machine it is running on.

  • If running the project directly (eg. from Visual Studio):
    You can configure the appSettings.json for the project. You can do this by adding a file called appSettings.Custom.json with machine specific configuration which will override the default appSettings.json. eg.

      "serilog": {
        "writeTo": [
            "Name": "Async",
            "Args": {
              "configure": [
                  "Name": "RollingFile",
                  "Args": { "pathFormat": "C:\\logs\\ironclad\\ironclad-developer-{Date}.log" }
  • If running the project inside a container:
    You need to add any machine specific configuration to the .env file (mentioned in User Secrets Configuration).


How to Debug

Using Visual Studio

Set the start-up project to Ironclad. Hit F5.
This will run the project directly using dotnet.exe. The application will listen on port 5005 and you can navigate to it using http://localhost:5005.

Using Visual Studio Tools for Docker

Set the start-up project to docker-compose. Hit F5.
This will run the project inside a docker container running behind nginx. Nginx will listen on port 5005 and forward calls to the application. You can navigate to it using http://localhost:5005.

From the Command Line

Navigate to the src/Ironclad folder and type dotnet run.
This will run the project directly using dotnet.exe without attaching the debugger. You will need to use your debugger of choice to attach to the dotnet.exe process.


Using a new theme

In order to put the new css file and custom logo in use, you should specify that files in appsettings.json or your environment variables:

  "theme": {
    "stylesFile": "css/site.css",
    "logoFile":  "img/icon.jpg"

Creating custom theme

The easiest way to create your own theme for the application is to create a new scss file in the src/Ironclad/wwwroot/scss folder, then import the core styles. This is how the new file should look like:

/* Ironclad custom styles */

// variable overrides

@import 'core';

// style overrides

The variables you can override are located in the src/Ironclad/wwwroot/lib/bootstrap/scss/utils/_variables.scss files.

Since the application is using Bootstrap v4.1.3 for its framework, you can use this guide for further configuration reference.

Compiling SCSS

You can compile your new scss file by doing the following:

Install the official SASS compiler globally using npm:

npm i sass -g

Then from within src/Ironclad/wwwroot folder run:

sass scss/<you-new-scss-file>.scss css/<your-new-css-file>.css

Or you can set watcher, which will compiler you scss file everytime you made a change to it:

sass scss/<you-new-scss-file>.scss css/<your-new-css-file>.css --watch

Pwned passwords check


Current implementation supports additional security by using as a source of data breaches.


In order to met those reqs, default password for admin user is pas$wrod.


By default this check is disabled. In order to enable it, you should specify valid pwned_passwords_url in settigs.

  "server": {
    "pwned_passwords_url": ""