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Single-page JavaScript app that embeds a collection item in an iframe in the same style as Cambridge Digital Collection Platform Viewer


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CUDL Embedded Viewer

This repository contains the CUDL embedded item viewer.

It consists of essentially a single page app which is intended to run in an iframe.

Install dependencies

$ npm install
$ npm install -g webpack webpack-dev-server grunt-cli

webpack and webpack-dev-server are optional if you're doing everything via grunt.


Webpack is used to build the viewer.

The javascript source can use es6 functionality, but at this time I've not refactored it from vanila js to make use of es6 features.

The CSS is post-processed by postcss which allows us to use less/sass like functionality and more. Again, I've not refactored the vanilla CSS to make use of these features. The only postcss processor currently installed is autoprefixer.


Configuration is provided to run the viewer in webpack's dev server with hot module replacement to provide live updates as source files are changed.

Either of the following will launch the dev server:

$ grunt develop
$ webpack-dev-server --config --inline --hot

Once the server's started, the viewer can be accessed at these URLs:

Accessing dev server from external hosts

Because of the way CSS files are created in dev mode, the webpack output public path has to be an absolute URL. This will cause the viewer to break if you try to acccess it from another host, as the default dev public path is http://localhost:8080/. You can specify a hostname/IP that the external host can use to access the webpack dev server host on the command line:

$ webpack-dev-server --config ./ \
    # Bind to all interfaces. By default only loopback is bound to
    --host \
    # Specify the URL the external host(s) can use to access the server
    --output-public-path ''


The default webpack config contains the production config. It's slightly different to the dev config. An HTML file is created with the default template pre-rendered. The JS and CSS are separate files.

To build, either use:

$ webpack -p

(-p enables production mode, which turns on minification and other bundle size optimisations.)


$ grunt build

The grunt build has the advantage that it cleans built/ before running.

Viewer Configuration

The commands above for building the viewer in dev and production mode will use the default config (./config/default.json).

Set the CONFIG envar to the require() path of the desired config file to use a different one. For example:

$ CONFIG=./config/custom.json webpack -p

This works in the same way for dev and production builds.

Releasing a version

These steps are performed manually at the moment.

1. Set the version in package.json to the version to be tagged (e.g. remove the -snapshot suffix) and stage it to be committed 2. Build the player using the default config ($ grunt build) 3. Stage build/* to be committed (note that it's ignored in .gitignore, so -f will be required) 4. Commit the staged changes with the message "Release x.y.z" 5. Tag the release commit with the version number and message "Tag x.y.z" 6. Create another commit which reverts the effects of the release commit, and bumps the version in package.json to the next version with a -snapshot suffix. An easy way to do this is to $ git revert HEAD, then edit package.json and $ git commit --amend onto the revert commit, changing the commit message to: "Finish x.y.z release".

Releasing a version (revised)

It looks like there is a version that is deployed via puppet onto the cudl viewer machines, however it does not look like this version is being used. Instead it seems to use the version deployed inside the cudl-viewer war. However, when deploying both versions should be updated, anticipating the switch.

  1. Create a branch called 'release' in which to make the git release

    git checkout -b 'release-date'

  2. Check the project is checked out under:


  3. Check the script


    is sym-linked to the location


  4. Run script bin/

  5. Run mvn release:perform

  6. Check and merge into master branch

  7. Tag release e.g.:

    git tag -a <version> -m "message"

  8. Push to remote repository

    git push --tags

  9. Update puppet dev (the staged and live) configuration to use the new tagged version, pull in changes on the puppet master and run puppet agent -t on the target machine.

  10. Hand craft a pom and jar package which has the same format as the existing ones under embedded-viewer-assets.

    mvn install mvn deploy mvn deploy:deploy-file -DpomFile=<path-to-pom> \ -Dfile=<path-to-file> \ -DrepositoryId=<id-to-map-on-server-section-of-settings.xml> \ -Durl=<url-of-the-repository-to-deploy>

  11. Install this in your local and in the s3 maven repos.

  12. Checkout cudl viewer from

  13. Update the cudl-viewer-pom


    to point to the new version.

  14. Package and deploy cudl-viewer (see cudl-viewer README for details).

  15. Test the deployed viewer on or


Single-page JavaScript app that embeds a collection item in an iframe in the same style as Cambridge Digital Collection Platform Viewer








Contributors 3
