A simple command line http-server built using Go.
$ go get github.com/callmekatootie/simple-server
This should automatically download the repository and install the application.
The application executable should now be located in your $GOPATH/bin
Ensure that you have included the $GOPATH/bin
directory in your command line's PATH variable to use
it directly in any directory as a command
If you have set up your $GOPATH
correctly and you have included $GOPATH/bin
directory in your command's PATH
variable, you should be able to use this as:
$ simple-server [path] [options]
[path] defaults to the current working directory (./)
You can find a list of supported flags / options by executing the command as:
$ simple-server -h
The allowed flags / options are:
-p Specify a port for listening to connections (default is 8080)
-a Specify an address to bind the server to (default is
$ simple-server -a -p 8082
will set up a server that can be accessed at http://localhost:8082