This is a code repository for the SIB - Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics CALIPHO group neXtProt project
Configure your Scala Eclipse IDE by running sbt eclipse
sbt publishLocal
if you need credentials configured on ~/.sbt/x.x/sonatype.sbt:
credentials+=Credentials("Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager", "", "$sonatype_username", "$sonatype_password")
The syntax above works if in the build.sbt file but in sbt command line utility
It will go to either snapshot or production repository depending on your version suffix.
If it ends with -SNAPSHOT it goes to the snapshot repository
otherwise it will go to the production repository.
Note that when you publish to the production repository you need to specify a new version within sbt with:
set version:="x.x.x"
> set version:="1.1.7"
> publish
> exit
- about user / password for credential
- See note above about sonatype
- or use user /password for nexus on miniwatt (admin pwd)
- check on miniwatt if deployment is ok
- check if defined version is available
- check metadata files, they should have the date of the deployement. If not, 'rebuild metadata' and 'update index' of the nextprot-scala-parser (you have to be logged in to be able to do it)
- Update artefact version in
Commit / push your change
Rebuild the fat jar on cactus (NP1 data integration server)
> ssh npteam@cactus
> cd /work/projects/integration/nextprot-loaders/tools.integration
> git pull origin develop
> mvn package
The resulting fat jar is in:
> ls -l /work/projects/integration/nextprot-loaders/tools.integration/target
To test simply use
sbt test
If you want to specify only one test you can also use
sbt "test:testOnly org.nextprot.parser.hpa.expression.FullFileEntryExpressionTest"
On eclipse define project dependencies and remove library (the jar)