Fortran command line calculator which parses tokens into Reverse Polish Notation and evaluates it. Can take equations to be parsed from stdin or the command line:-
[byornski ~/pCalc]$ ./pCalc
Input : 3+4+5*17
Result: 92
Input : 5^200
Result: 62230152778611417071440640537801242405902521687211671331011166147896988340353834411839448231257136169569665895551224821247160434722900390625
Input : 2+4*5
Result: 22
Input : (2+4)*5
Result: 30
Input : 17 / 3
Result: 5
[byornski ~/pCalc]$ ./pCalc 4 + 5
[byornski ~/pCalc]$ ./pCalc "17^20"
Uses a bigint library of my own creation. The values are unbounded (up to 10000000^(int64_huge)) and you will run out of memory before you hit this.
Currently implemented operators are:
- Add +
- Subtract -
- Multiply *
- Integer Divide /
- Mod %
- Exponentiation ^
Unlimited parenthesis levels are allowed as the string are evaluated in reverse polish notation.
Simplying running
should give a copy of pCalc in the root folder. The source files are stored in src/ and temporary build files in build/.
You need a reasonably up to date version of gfortran or ifort. Builds with GCC 4.9.1 but does not with GCC 4.4.7. Also builds properly with Intel 14.0 compiler (ifort).