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It's an in memory VTXXX-compatible terminal emulator. XXX stands for a series of video terminals, developed by DEC between 1970 and 1995. The first, and probably the most famous one, was VT100 terminal, which is now a de-facto standard for all virtual terminal emulators.
follows the suit. It is a direct fork of
pyte 0.8.1 which in turn it
is a fork of vt102.
aims to be used mostly for scraping terminal
apps like htop
or very long logs from tail
or less
in a very efficient way
so it may not support all the features that a full VT100 terminal
would have.
If you have pip you can do the usual:
$ pip install termscraper
Otherwise, download the source from GitHub termscraper and run:
$ python setup.py install
is not alone in the weird world of terminal emulator libraries,
here's a few other options worth checking out: