Uses image recognition and GUI automation tools to automate Runescape tasks
Emulates human reactions times. (no instant mouse teleportation/unrealistic reaction times)
- All click locations, mouse movement speeds, and click intervals will be randomized
Use image recognition to locate nodes
- this will help avoid locating images via pixel perfect color matching and make bot decisions more dynamic.
Have many different routes for bank trips that are used at random
- this helps emulate human behavior to a degree as well. Never taking a static path every bank trip.
- this is currectly in an alpha stage used for a proof of concept
Only works when standing in the location pictured below in tutorial island
- Adjusts screen to the same position
- detects two different nodes using image recognition
- if both mining nodes are available, picks a random node to click on
- Clicks on random location within a 60x50 pixel box on top of mining node
- All mouse movements and reactive clicks have random speeds and times
- Currently being developed
- Able to mine tin, copper, and iron in the real game world
- detects when bag is full and makes bank trips can be used to detect mining nodes on the screen to test whether OpenCV is detecting the correct images in the correct locations.