A modular synth system somewhat along the lines of PD, but at a higher level of abstraction. A closer analogy is Alsa Modular Synth orignally built by Matthias Nagorni.
(use 'modsynth.core)
The gui is more or less self contained. There are a number of examples. One that gives an idea and doesn't require any user interaction is rand-pend-splitter-example.oms.
- Save/restore dialog
- save/restore needs to be better tested.
- Save values for sliders and const.
- Fix slider.
- A disconnect method.
- splitter and
- mixer nodes for audio and control.
- More synth types:
- Random note and timing
- some kind of file input for compositions if there is an overtone standard use that.
Copyright © 2013 Bill Allen
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0.