kickstart.nvim Public
Forked from nvim-lua/kickstart.nvimA launch point for your personal nvim configuration
Lua MIT License UpdatedAug 20, 2024 -
ember-octane-vs-classic-cheat-sheet Public
Forked from ember-learn/ember-octane-vs-classic-cheat-sheetA cheat sheet for converting classic Ember app to Octane
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedFeb 26, 2022 -
active_model_serializers Public
Forked from rails-api/active_model_serializersActiveModel::Serializer implementation and Rails hooks
Ruby MIT License UpdatedNov 14, 2019 -
ember-adminlte-theme Public
Forked from huxinghai/ember-adminlte-themeember-cli admin bootstrap ui theme
HTML MIT License UpdatedFeb 26, 2019 -
docusign-ruby-client Public
Forked from docusign/docusign-esign-ruby-clientThe Official DocuSign Ruby Library used to interact with the eSign REST API. Send, sign, and approve documents using this client.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedNov 23, 2017 -
doorkeeper-i18n Public
Forked from doorkeeper-gem/doorkeeper-i18nTranslation files for doorkeeper
Ruby MIT License UpdatedSep 16, 2016 -
brimir Public
Forked from ivaldi/brimirEmail helpdesk built using Ruby on Rails and Zurb Foundation
Ruby GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 UpdatedFeb 9, 2016 -
doorkeeper Public
Forked from doorkeeper-gem/doorkeeperDoorkeeper is an OAuth 2 provider for Rails and Grape
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJun 2, 2015 -
foundation-datetimepicker-rails Public
Forked from aliibrahim/foundation-datetimepicker-railsfoundation-datetimepicker-rails
Ruby MIT License UpdatedMar 25, 2014 -
bootstrap-datetimepicker-rails Public
Forked from lubieniebieski/bootstrap-datetimepicker-railsbootstrap-datetimepicker's JavaScripts & stylesheets for Rails 3.1+ asset pipeline
Ruby MIT License UpdatedMar 25, 2014 -
rails-i18n Public
Forked from svenfuchs/rails-i18nRepository for collecting Locale data for Ruby on Rails I18n as well as other interesting, Rails related I18n stuff
Ruby MIT License UpdatedMar 23, 2014 -
spree Public
Forked from spree/spreeSpree is a complete open source e-commerce solution for Ruby on Rails.
Ruby Other UpdatedOct 24, 2013 -
353-oauth-with-doorkeeper Public
Forked from railscasts/353-oauth-with-doorkeeperRuby UpdatedMay 24, 2012