Releases: brry/rdwd
Version 0.9.0 (2017-11-03)
- readDWD: and readDWD.meta are now separate (non-exported) functions
- readDWD: fread default is now FALSE
- dataDWD: fread and overwrite arguments added
- references dutch meteo package and useR!2017 rdwd presentation
- importFrom entries completed
- DESCRIPTION: BugReports entry added
Version 0.8.0 (2017-06-09)
reflects DWD FTP update June 1
- indexFTP: ftp blockage chance reduced, data loss avoided, progress bar added
- errors/warnings/messages now often include a traceback
- metaInfo tells about non-public files
- createIndex + readDWD read meta files in German locale to handle Umlaute
- Index documentation and creation unified
- Vignettes and readme improved
- various minor improvements and fixes, see
renamed: indexDWD -> indexFTP
added: lldist, maxlldist, nearbyStations
no longer exported in NAMESPACE: rowDisplay, dirDWD
removed: fileDWD, geoIndexAll
Version 0.7.0 (2017-02-03)
- interactive map now colored by availability of recent file
- stations with slightly varying coordinates (<900 m apart) aggregated in geoIndex
- documentation corrections, improved messages in fileDWD and dirDWD
- map vignette expanded, package vignette abbreviated slightly
- metaInfo printout greatly improved
- duplicate index entries removed
New function: rowDisplay
New object: geoIndexAll
Removed object: mapDWD (to reduce package size)
first CRAN release
'selectDWD' uses index information to find files matching a path or station criteria.
With the returned path/file names, 'dataDWD' and 'readDWD' download and read data.
'dirDWD' and 'fileDWD' control that no file will be overwritten and path messages are useful.
'indexDWD' lists all the files on the FTP server with DWD data.
'createIndex' uses that list to create 'fileIndex', 'metaIndex' and 'geoIndex'.
'mapDWD' is an interactive leaflet map also useful to explore datasets.
Note: 'dataDWD' and 'readDWD' were started in June 2016 within my misc package
berryFunctions, from which they will be deleted after rdwd is on CRAN