Version 0.9.0 (2017-11-03)
- readDWD: readDWD.data and readDWD.meta are now separate (non-exported) functions
- readDWD: fread default is now FALSE
- dataDWD: fread and overwrite arguments added
- references dutch meteo package and useR!2017 rdwd presentation
- importFrom entries completed
- DESCRIPTION: BugReports entry added
Version 0.8.0 (2017-06-09)
reflects DWD FTP update June 1
- indexFTP: ftp blockage chance reduced, data loss avoided, progress bar added
- errors/warnings/messages now often include a traceback
- metaInfo tells about non-public files
- createIndex + readDWD read meta files in German locale to handle Umlaute
- Index documentation and creation unified
- Vignettes and readme improved
- various minor improvements and fixes, see https://github.com/brry/rdwd/commits
renamed: indexDWD -> indexFTP
added: lldist, maxlldist, nearbyStations
no longer exported in NAMESPACE: rowDisplay, dirDWD
removed: fileDWD, geoIndexAll