Version 1.5.0 (2021-04-08)
API changes:
- readVars: new argument 'quiet' (for updateIndexes)
- readDWD.grib2: initial release
- projectRasterDWD: new argument adjust05
- dataDWD: new default: dbin=TRUE
enhancements / bug fixes:
- readDWD.data: fread checks for system command unzip, prints final value in message
- dataDWD: unfound URL messages also link to website fileIndex in German locale
- updateRdwd: version and date comparison improved, print local version if newer than on github
- createIndex: improved recognition of "Beschreibung_Stationen" meta files
- dwdparams + updateIndexes: missing/duplicate Kurz entry messages improved
- readDWD: subfunction names in elegant message outside the loop to avoid interrupted progbars.
- indexFTP + dirDWD: trailing slashes removed with regexp
- fileType: more informative message for failed type determination
- DEU: now derived from NUTS regions and with new CRS (along with EUR)
- runLocalTests: improved logfiles, false positive messages removed
website changes:
- package structure moved to first chapter
- fread instructions expanded
- FTP Folder list expanded
- more messages / warnings suppressed that are irrelevant to readers
- linked to in seeAlso sections of suitable function documentations
- Website: redirected man pages are now correctly linked to (e.g. fileIndex -> index)
- Documentation and dataset links are now opened in a new window
- new use case: values at locations in grid
- FTP address updated everywhere