Add PDF Boxes (Trim, Art, Bleed, and Crop) to existing PDFs
$ mvn clean package
$ java -jar bin/pdfboxer-0.0.1.jar
usage: boxer
-trimBox <arg> Sets the TrimBox. Must be passed as x,y,width,height
-artBox <arg> Sets the ArtBox. Must be passed as x,y,width,height
-bleedBox <arg> Sets the BleedBox. Must be passed as x,y,width,height
-cropBox <arg> Sets the CropBox. Must be passed as x,y,width,height
-sourceFile <arg> The source pdf
-destFile <arg> The destination pdf
$ java -jar bin/pdfboxer-0.0.1.jar \
-trimBox 7.200000,7.200000,504.000031,720.000000 \
-artBox 7.200000,7.200000,504.000031,720.000000 \
-sourceFile src/test/pdfs/UNTRIMMED_PDF.pdf \
-destFile src/test/pdfs/TRIMMED_PDF.pdf