A Texas Hold 'em Application in Java
- Start the game by running the game launcher script thats with your respective operating system. -The default ip should be set to which is the standard IPV4 local host address (Remote play requires port forwarding).
- The host should start the game with a port (default is 12345)
- Client players can then join the game as well by running the same game launcher code with their respective machines
- Host should start the game when all player joins (2-5 players)
- Enjoy!
This application does not depend on any third-party applications.
Additional Folders: -bin: For containing all class files (not included but will be created with compile) -Resources: Our library to manage all our media
Coding Environment during Development: -Windows 10 Pro 64-bit -JDK and JRE version 14 and 8 -Visual Studio Code -Eclipse
Linux Testing: -VirtualBox on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS -JDK and JRE version 11