All my projects from An Introduction to Interactive Python on Coursera.
Code is written in Python and was developed in the CodeSkulptor tool used in the course. You should be able to see this code in action if you paste it into
- Project 1:
- Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock. Try to beat the computer at a game similar to roshambo. We hadn't covered user input yet, so modify your guesses in the code. - Project 2:
- Guess the Number Game. Try to guess the number the computer has chosen before running out of turns. - Project 3:
- Stopwatch game. Try to stop the timer on the second mark. I expanded on this project to add an analog clock. - Week 4:
- Playing with gravity and air resistance. Load in CodeSkulptor. - Project 4:
- Emulation of the classic pong game. Load in CodeSkulptor. - Project 5:
- Flip cards with mouse and try to rememer where they were. Load in CodeSkulptor.