- Make sure
are in~/Documents
- Run install script
- Run through list of other things to manually install
- Verify you have all your Documents
- Google Chrome
- GitHub
- Because 2FA is on GitHub, you need to generate a token and use that as your password when logging in from the command line
- asp.net sdks
- Make sure to install ef:
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
- Microsoft Teams
- Install Postgress.app to avoid Brew's auto updates
- Any Password managers
- Any VPNs, like global protect
- Import settings from:
- iterm
- Install script
command should handle this
- Install script
- Atom
- Run this command on your old computer to update list of packages installed
apm list --installed --bare > ~/Desktop/projects/dotfiles/atom/packageList.list
- On new computer, install these packages
apm install --packages-file ~/Documents/dotfiles/atom/packageList.list
- Install script has a command to link the atom config file here
- Run this command on your old computer to update list of packages installed
- Rider
- As of 200701, there were problems with using the Rider tool to import
settings. Here are notes on the basic settings
- Appearance -> Theme -> IntelliJ Light
- Font size -> 18
- PlugIns
- Vim
- Disable all other plugins you don't need
- Using the settings import brought over the Macros but not the keymaps for
the macros. I map these various macros to
ctrl + shift + something
- As of 200701, there were problems with using the Rider tool to import
settings. Here are notes on the basic settings
- iterm
- Firevault on
- Firewall on
- Indexing and Searching off (because it eats up a ton of CPU)
- Move entire Macintosh HD to System Preferences -> Spotlight -> Privacy
- There is a command effectively do this, but it the command only turns off indexing.
The annoying
keeps running (and getting killed) when you look at the Console even after running this. The manual step above seems to be the only way to fully stop it.sudo mdutil -i off /
- Other useful commands:
mdutil -s /
# To check status of indexing processsudo mdutil -E -i off /
# # To erase any indexes and disable indexing
- The internet says there are other documented ways to disable indexing,
such as the command below. But those seem to run into additonal
limitations and seem to have additional complications:
sudo launchctl unload -w \ /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.metadata.mds.plist
- There is a command effectively do this, but it the command only turns off indexing.
The annoying
- Move entire Macintosh HD to System Preferences -> Spotlight -> Privacy
- Give screen sharing access to Zoom and Microsoft Teams
- Reduce transparency for efficiency
- Accessibility -> Display -> Reduce Transparency
- Constant nightshade
- Launch iTerm at start
- Sys Pref => Users & Groups => Login Items
- Make sure nothing else is running at startup
- Update your modifier keys in system preferences
Insert Image Here
- Update touchbar settings, if applicable
Insert Image Here