My Own Radio Server is push-to-talk service for small groups.
- Runs on your own dedicated server.
- Intended for Android devices, but works with any modern browser.
- Supports multiple isolated channels.
- erlang, git, valid server SSL certificates
- rebar v2:
$ git clone git://
$ cd morse
$ rebar prepare-deps
Edit morse.config:
- port
- certificates
- secret_prefix
$ ./
Edit morse.service:
- WorkingDirectory
- ExecStart (path to erl)
- ExecStop (port)
- Group (should have read access to SSL certificates)
$ sudo cp morse.service /etc/systemd/system
$ sudo chown root:root /etc/systemd/system/morse.service
$ sudo systemctl enable morse
$ sudo systemctl start morse
- In browser navigate to https://YOURSERVER:12345/q/w/e/r/t/y?MYCHANNELNAME (or what your port, secret_prefix and desired channel is).
- Press top button to connect (user action required to unlock <audio> element on Android).
- Push top button to talk (allow using microphone for site), press bottom button to replay last incoming message.