Use react-native
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Update date: Tue Jan 26 2016 09:47:10 GMT+0800 (CST)
React Native button component with rounded corners.
Babel preset for React Native HMR
Simpler string-based styling for React Native
Management CLI for the CodePush service
A react native command tool build by Envirs Team.
React Native specific linting rules for ESLint
The command-line tool for creating and publishing rich articles written with JavaScript and React Native
Wrapper around isomorphic-fetch to retry the request if there is an error
Your API wrapper for ES6's fetch method. Easily make HTTP requests to your API.
Easy to use Navigator for your native app.
Create new react native files that fit the IR workflow
Yeoman generator: Create project and components for both Web and Native sharing all logic
OpenGL bindings for react-native to implement complex effects over images and components, in the descriptive VDOM paradigm
module to build image and profile urls for gravatar
Haste resolver plugin for webpack
js-data Adapter for react-native AsyncStorage
A simple swipe unlock for React Native
A ScrollView that supports pull-to-refresh. You can customize it with the RefreshIndicator and type of ScrollView (ex: ListView) of your choice.
Swiper component for React Native.
Progress indicators and spinners for React Native using ReactART. This is a fork of the original react-native-progress to support react-native 0.12.0
React Native Material Design Components
Manage your XCode dependencies via npm
Customized redbox (rsod) component to display your errors
Advanced & Dynamic Component Styling for React & React Native
An Accordion Component for React Native
customizable multi-action-button component for react-native
A pure js ActionSheet like ios ActionSheet, support ios and android
iOS share and action sheets for React Native
React Native Bridge for ADBannerView
A Listview with a sidebar to jump to sections directly, based on johanneslumpe's react-native-selectablesectionlistview
A react native android package to show a blurry overlay.
React Native wrapper for Android Design Support Library, providing native Material Design to modern and also older Android devices.
React Native Module to use Android Geolocation via Google Play API
React Native widget to render a snackbar in Android apps
A react native android package to control the status bar.
React Native Android native TabLayout component
A React Native Voice Recognition Module
Easy to use declarative transitions and a standard set of animations for React Native
React Native component for creating animated, arc progress with ReactART
An ASCIImage component for React Native
Automatically push and pop navigator routes/scenes/screens if the navigator props was changed.
A React Native component rendering a button supporting showing different appearances and functionality given the passed props
Sophisticated background location-tracking with battery-conscious motion-detection
Sophisticated background location-tracking with battery-conscious motion-detection
Barcode scanner for React Native
A barcode scanner component for react native
React Native bridge for InApp Billing on Android
React Native Blur component
A touchable bounce animation that can wrap any React Native view.
Full-featured web browser module for React Native apps, based on TOWebViewController
Builtins that were extracted from node-browser-resolve on which browserify depends.
A simple busy indicator which can be trigger from any child or navigated page in react native application
A simple material-themed calendar for react native android
A Camera component for React Native. Also reads barcodes.
React native camera view for android. Enabling you to take pictures directly on camera view, controlling flash light of the device, and also reading barcode from camera.
React Native component for
Delightfully-animated data visualization.
Launch Chrome Custom Tabs from your React Native app
React Native component for creating animated, circular progress with ReactART
React Native plugin for the CodePush service
Animated collapsible component for React Native using the Animated API. Good for accordions, toggles etc
React native component for finding dominant colors in an image
Conekta SDK for React Native
react native component for display console messages.
couchbase lite binding for react-native
Simple React Native Android module to use Crosswalk's WebView inside your app
Style React-Native components with css and built in support for SASS
You can use react-native-css-loader width react-native-webpack-server, which can use webpack to built react-native app better.
iOS custom sheet with fade in/out overlay
A custom ActionSheet for react-native
A element for react-native
A datetime-picker for react-native support for android and ios
Add coloured borders or backgrounds to all views to make it easier to debug layout issues
UIDevice wrapper for React Native
A simple way to create dynamic views through device and display detection, allowing the creation of adaptable and universal apps.
Get device information using react-native
Digits wrapper to use in React Native
A plugin that allows you to enable (eventually lock the device) and disable the screen dim in your React Native app.
A simple way to dismiss the keyboard programmatically in a react native application.
DraggableDrawer component for React Native.
React Native Drawer
React Native Drawer
A platform-agnostic drawer layout. Pure JavaScript implementation on iOS and native implementation on Android. Why? Because the drawer layout is a useful component regardless of the platform! And if you can use it without changing any code, that's perfect
A better Select dropdown menu for react-native
ReactNative Component that makes easy to use iOS8 UIVisualEffect
Emoji component for React Native
Graphics library to improve programming with React-Native
Easy to show html, image, video fullscreen pages.
A react-native component for EventSource: Server-Sent Events for iOS
A react-native component for EventSource: Server-Sent Events for iOS and Android
A Third Party Image Module.
Access additional display metrics on Android devices: status bar height, soft menu bar height, real screen size.
React Native wrapper for native iOS Facebook SDK login button and manager
A file upload plugin for react-native
An iOS/Android file upload component for React Native..
A file upload plugin for react-native
The card component which have motion of flip for React Native
JavaScript implementation of a view container that can flip between its front and back
A floating label text input factory for tcomb-form-native
iOS text input with animated floating label
Reusabe floating lable component for react native
React Native wrapper for Flurry
A React Native PickerIOS at the bottom of the page
React native full screen modal component.
A gesture password component for React Native. It supports both iOS and Android since it's' written in pure JavaScript.
Gesture recognizer decorators for react-native
composable gesture system in react native
Form component for react-native
A ListView that embed some recurrents features like pull-to-refresh, infinite scrolling and more for Android and iOS React-Native apps
The chat of your next React-Native Apps
Simple loading spinner that use React-Native ProgressBarAndroid or ActivityIndicatorIOS depending of the platform
Shared event emitter between native and JS for React Native.
React Native bridge for using native Google Analytics libraries on iOS and Android
Native Google Analytics for React Native, using Universal Analytics SDK.
Customizable Google Places autocomplete component for iOS and Android React-Native apps
Google Signin for your react native applications
A wrapper for Google's Static Maps
The 24-column grid component for react-native
React Native Grid/Collection View component
The histogram component for React Native
A html render for react-native
Use HTML like markup to create stylized text in react-native.
A component which renders HTML content as native views
Hyperscript syntax for React Native
A simple button component allowing you to create customisable and visually appealing buttons.
Use 1000's of icon fonts easily in your React Native apps.
A pure js image animation like ios animationImages, support ios and android
A React Native module that allows you to use the native UIImagePickerController UI to select a photo from the device library or directly from the camera.
A React Native module that allows you to use the native UIImagePickerController UI to select a photo from the device library or directly from the camera.
Progress indicator for networked images, supports progress bar and spinner
A in-app browser for react native apps.
An infinitely scrolling view that notifies you as the scroll offset approaches the bottom
react-native instagram login
A react-native interface to share images and videos within instagram (iOS)
An invertible ScrollView for React Native
React Native default style iOS item cell
KenBurns Image Effect for React Native
A simple React Native View component that resizes composite children views inside itself when the keyboard appears. You can implement your own ScrollView, ListView, Multiple Views etc... inside the View and set your own view to 'flex: 1'.
Plug and play react-Native keyboard spacer view.
Semantic JSX layout components for react-native
Images etc in Full Screen Lightbox Popovers for React Native
React Native wrapper for native Linkedin login button and manager
iOS-style listitem component
a simple loading effect, based on ActivityIndicatorIOS Component
The only pure React Native Native iOS and Android loading spinner (progress bar indicator) overlay
React Native local authentication with touch id or passcode
Auth0 Lock for React Native (Android)
Auth0 Lock for React Native (iOS)
A wrapper on top of MFMailComposeViewController from iOS and Mail Intent on android
A Mapbox GL react native module for creating custom maps
React Native Mapview component for iOS + Android
React Native Mapview component for iOS + Android
A marquee label for react-native
A element for react-native
Customizable material style button
React Native Material Design Components
Material Design styles for React Native
Bringing Material Design to React Native
Customizable material style switch
A flexible dropdown menu component for Android and iOS that is similar to Android's Spinner.
DDP React-native Client
sample metroUI for react-native.
The component has the same API as on iOS -
A component for react-native
A react-native interface for using the Gyroscope, Accelerometer and Magnetometer
Swiper component for React Native.
Pure JS slider component with multiple markers for React Native
Simple customizable navbar component for react-native
A simple router for react native
The News Ticker component for React Native
Customizable toast-like notifications for React Native
React native page control, like ios UIPageControl
A higher-order React Native component to compute the current and total pages of a ScrollView
Parallax effects for React Native using Animated API
ListView with parallax header support
A ScrollView-like component with parallax and sticky header support
Parallax view for vertical scrollview with a header image and header content
Parse text and make them into multiple React Native Text elements
React Native authentication with iOS Passcode.
Native PayPal payment screen for React Native
React Native component for select phone number from address book
A component for react-native
popup for react-native
Obscure passwords and other sensitive personal information when a react-native app transitions to the background
Progress indicators and spinners for React Native using ReactART
An animated progress bar component for React Native
Simple animated progress bar for React Native
A pure React Native Component for circular progress bars for iOS.
The Pull-To-Refresh ScrollView component for React Native
React Native Local and Remote Notifications
react-native qrocode generator
Bring Classic Radio to React-Native
A react component to implement custom radio buttons-like behaviors: multiple options, only on can be selected at once.
React Native Android ReboundScrollView implementation.
React Native Router using Redux architecture
A pull down to refresh control for react native.
A awesome pull-down-refresh and pull-up-loadmore listview
A pull-to-refresh ListView which shows a loading spinner while your data reloads
A ScrollView that supports pull-to-refresh. You can customize it with the RefreshIndicator and type of ScrollView (ex: ListView) of your choice.
A React Native pull to refresh ListView completely written in js. Also supports custom animations.
The responsive view when you open or close keyboard for React Native
react native modal component
react native root sibling elements manager
Awesome navigation for your native app.
Awesome navigation for your native app.
Awesome navigation for your native app.
React Native Router using Flux architecture
A routing library for React Native and Redux
Awesome navigation for your native app.
A React Native wrapper for Safari View Controller
A standard interface for your scrollable React Native components, making it easier to compose components
A standard interface for your scrollable React Native components, making it easier to compose components.
This is probably my favorite navigation pattern on Android, I wish it were more common on iOS! This is a very simple JavaScript-only implementation of it for React Native. For more information about how the animations behind this work, check out the Rebou
Native Search component for react native.
The native search bar for react native.
a high imitation of iOS segmented Controls
Segmented View for React Native (with animation)
A Listview with a sidebar to jump to sections directly
A better Select dropdown menu for react-native
React Native Android module to use Android's Intent actions for send sms, text to shareable apps or make phone calls
Add shake event to your React Native app (IOS only)
Social Share, Sending Simple Data to Other Apps
React-native component which renders markdown into a webview!
Simple customizable component to create side menu
Lets users sign their signatures
Native social authentication for React Native on iOS
A simple react-native button
A simple JavaScript modal component for React Native.
simple and useful animated radio button component for React Native
Easy to use Navigator for your native app.
A pure JavaScript component for react-native
Slider button inspired by the slide to unlock widget with an optional animation manipulating the text's transparency. Of course, both the animation duration and text can be customized too.
react native sliding up panel
Handles keyboard events and auto adjusts content to be visible above keyboard on focus. Further scrolling features available.
A react native android module to talk with the Sneer api.
React Native module provides auth methods via social networks using native APIs
Use the iOS native Twitter and Facebook share view from react native
A text-to-speech library for React Native.
A collection of animated loading indicators for React Native
Carousel component for react-native implemented by View
SQLite3 bindings for React Native (Android & iOS)
A square view component for react native.
This is a local storage wrapper for both react-native(AsyncStorage) and browser(localStorage). ES6/babel is needed.
A simple database base on react-native AsyncStorage.
grid of sudoku style(or box style) for react native
iOS-style swipeout buttons behind component
Swiper component for React Native.
Swiper component for React Native.
Swiper component for React Native.
Swiper component for React Native. Supersede react-native-swiper
Notification for React Native
react-native-tab is a simple module for add a "Tab Menu" to your React Native app.
A tab bar that switches between scenes, written in JS for cross-platform support
Tab bar with more freedom
A component which builds excellent Navigator + TabBar based application, have a good solution for implementing hidesBottomBarWhenPushed in iOS.
A component which builds excellent Navigator + TabBar based application, have a good solution for implementing hidesBottomBarWhenPushed in iOS.
Native iOS TableView wrapper for React Native
table view form for react-native
React Native component for TableView made with pure CSS
Simple React Native module to use Android's TextInputLayout inside your app
A react native extension which allows you to control TextInput better.
Auto-updating timeago component for React Native
A android like toast for react-native support for ios and android
A collection of common UI components for react native mobile apps.
A react-native wrapper for showing tooltips
React Native authentication with the native Touch ID popup.
draw triangle views in react native
A React Native module to upload files and camera roll assets. Supports progress notification.
ios UserDefaults used by react-native
React Native Module for NSUserDefaults
A fork of io.js's util module that works with React Native
Customizable Icons for React Native with support for NavBar/TabBar, image source and full styling. Choose from 3000+ bundled icons or use your own.
A native ios video player component
ViewPager componnent for React Native
A wrapper around the iOS VK (VKontakte) SDK for React Native apps
VoxImplant Mobile SDK for embedding voice and video communication into React Native apps.
React Native for Web
Build React Native apps with Webpack
Simple React Native Android module to use Android's WebView inside your app
React Native WebView Javascript Bridge
Utilize the JavaScript VM running inside an iOS UIWebView to exploit libraries targeting the DOM (e.g. Google Charts).
react-native library for wechat app
A react-native wrapper for wechat api.
Wechat SDK for React Native(iOS).
Wifi Connection Manager for React Native on Android
A react-native module for viewing and connecting to Wifi networks on Android devices.
Loads a random XKCD comic with caption.
A component for React Native.
A pull down to refresh control for react native.
Relay-inspired library based on Promises instead of GraphQL.
Create a unique avatar by using username as background color
A framework for building web apps with React
A component to display your errors.
A redbox (rsod) component to display your errors.
Warn about slow reducers used in your redux app.
Glue AppState from react-native to Redux.
Glue NetInfo from react-native to Redux.
Persistence layer for redux with flexible backends
An extensible calendar component for react-native
Camera Roll for react native Android
china region province city area picker
Create a high-level focus chain in React Native without the boilerplate.
React Native Grid View - Group lists (supports lists with headers) and display them as grouped rows
React Native Modal Component
NavBar component for react-native
React Native Picker Component
Number spinner for react-native
tools for react-native
Use websockets with the node streams API. Works in react-native, browser and node
React Native Package Manager
rnpm plugin that links native dependencies to your project
A factory for a passive mediator design pattern in <25 lines of Javascript
React Native component for firing actions based on swipe gestures
react-native powered UI library for developing forms writing less code