If the jar file is up to date, just download it, otherwise download all the code and run compile.sh
Then run the command line:
java -cp "ComponentSearch.jar" main.Main {options}
-n <filename>
The path for the file containing the input nodes
-e <filename>
The path for the file containing the input edges
-b <basename>
The basename for the output files
-N x
Set to x the compressed nodes filter parameter. The compressed nodes filter parameter is used
to delete compressed nodes containing only x or less input nodes.
-E x
Set to x the compressed edges filter parameter. The compressed edges filter parameter is used
to delete compressed edges representing only x or less input edges from the original graph.
Set true for the optimization component flag. If the oc flag is true, the algorithm will try
to move input nodes from hubs to strings of compressed nodes. For a given input node, if there is only
one neighboring string of compressed nodes then the input node is assigned to the string, otherwise
nothing append.