The main goal is to provide a PyTorch dataset of nuScenes to facilitate the model training of unsupervised monocular depth prediction models, including monodepth2 and depth from videos in the wild.
- Each data is composed of consecutive camera frames sampled with 12Hz.
- Radar and lidar data with the closest timestamps are fused with each camera frame for sparse supervision design, which may enhance the performance of unsupervised models.
- A scenes-viewing functionality is available to visaulize fused sensor data of the specified scenes in animation.
- Go to the offical page to download either the Mini subset or the Trainval subset.
- For the Trainval subset, this repository should work for any subset of the 10 trainval blobs. (not required to download all)
- CAN bus expansion data is needed to filter images with lower and upper speed bounds.
- Create a folder named "nuscenes_data" and uncompress the downloaded files into it to ensure the file structure as shown:
A conda environment is recommended:
conda install pytorch==1.7.1 torchvision==0.8.2 torchaudio==0.7.2 -c pytorch
conda install --file requirements.txt
pip install nuscenes-devkit
Please try to find examples in the testing scripts or check the option files.
Feel free to create new issues for any questions.