The slide deck contains a basic introduction for Docker. The labs are designed for a default Docker and Docker Compose installation using a standard linux shell. The concepts will works for the Docker Toolbox on Windows and Mac as weel but keep in mind you need to replace ip adresses.
- You can see the slides via GitHub static pages here.
- Or just run them in a conainter
docker run -p 80:80 npalm/docker-introduction
For the slides we use the RevealJS framework.
- See index.html for the slide show composition
- See markdown/* for the slide sources.
- You can also run the slides locally in a container from sources.
docker run -d -p 80:80 --name slides \
-v ${PWD}:/usr/share/nginx/html nginx
- Or use docker-compose to avoid some issues with nginx when running docker in a VM using boot2docker
docker compuse up -d
- Open a browser slides