Classes and utilities for working with commands.
BocoCommand = require 'boco-command'
assert = require 'assert'
A common usage scenario would be to create command classes for each of the commands within your domain.
class SayHello extends BocoCommand.Command
You may define a method to construct the parameters for the class, and it will be called by both the Command's constructor
and setParameters
This is useful to provide some level of exclusivity for your command parameters, to set default values or sanitize.
constructParameters: (params = {}) ->
The validateParameters
method by default returns a validation object (see: boco-validation) that can be used to add error information. You will want to call super()
to get this preconfigured object, and then add your own errors to it and return.
validateParameters: ->
validation = super()
validation.addError 'to', 'must be present'
return validation
As with most boco
objects, you construct a command by passing in the object properties.
sayHello = new SayHello id: 1, parameters: { to: "John Doe" }
assert.equal 1,
assert.equal 'SayHello',
assert.equal "John Doe",
After a command is created, you can also call setParameters
sayHello.setParameters to: "Jane Doe", foo: "bar"
assert.equal "Jane Doe",
assert.equal undefined,
Note that foo
is undefined
, because it was not included via the constructParameters
method we defined.
Since we defined validation on our class, you can call validateParameters
on your command, which returns a validation
# An invalid command
sayHello.setParameters to: null
validation = sayHello.validateParameters()
assert validation.isInvalid()
# A valid command
sayHello.setParameters to: 'John Doe'
validation = sayHello.validateParameters()
assert validation.isValid()