Sample scripts and data to demonstrate the measurement of coevolution. A tutorial for this method is available here.
- toju_pairs.Rda: data set containing pairs of local mean traits from multiple populations.
- toju_pars.Rda: data set containing background parameters of model.
Repository also includes original scripts used to produce figures and results of the associated manuscript:
- estimate.R: script used to estimate strengths of biotic selection and optimal offsets for each system analyzed.
- functions.R: script contains equilibrium expressions and utility functions used in other scripts.
- power_sample.R: script generates statistical power of our method as a function of sample size.
- power_strength.R: script generates statistical power of our method as a function of strength of coevolution.
- type1_sample.R: script generates type-1 error rate of our method as a function of sample size.
- type1_strength.R: script generates type-1 error rate of our method as a function of unilateral selection strength.
- regression_sample.R: script generates linear regression statistics of our method as a function of sample size.
- nn: folder contains scripts used to analyze perfomance of method under non-normal data.
- gf: folder contains scripts used to analyze perfomance of method in the presence of gene-flow.
- err: folder contains scripts used to analyze perfomance of method with error in estimates of abiotic optima.