Compiled by Robert LaMarca
(c) Robert LaMarca 2020 except where otherwise noted.
This is simply a collection of bash scripts I have found useful which I have broken out into separate files to allow mixing and matching.
This project was started as a learning tool for the New York JavaScript Study Group
This project is intended to be primarily a learning tool and reference. The code works on my own system, but you should read the documents and the source before using on your own system.
If you use a system that has bash terminal ( Linux, Mac, Unix ) you will have in your home folder a file called .bashrc or .bash_profile ( usually this one is mac ).
Depending upon your experience, you may already have some PATHS defined in this file, or perhaps some other scripts.
To use scripts in this project, you can either:
1: copy and paste specific scripts directly into your bash profile file.
2: clone this repo into your system and either:
use the source command to link to this entire project.
source [path-to-this-project]/handy-bash.bash
OR use source command to link to specific files in this project directly into your bash profile. For example: to use the ls command enhancements...
source [path-to-this-project]/handy-ls.bash
You should never simply past the handy-bash.bash file into your own bash profile as it requires other files to work.
This contains some shortcuts ( aliases ) for often used ls commands:
- ll: ls -l ( list files with details )
- la: ls -la ( list all -- including hidden -- files with details )
- lsaod: ls -l that sorts by directories, files and then links
- lsod: same as lsoad
- lsd: list only directories with details
- lsad: list only directories -- including hidden -- with details
- lsf: list only files with details
- lsaf: list only files -- including hidden -- with details
- lsh: list only hidden files
- gitgo: add all files and then commit
- gitbranches: list all branches with details.
- gitp: git push origin head
- gitc: git checkout
- gitcb: git checkout -b [ branch name ] create and checkout a new branch.
For example:
gitcb newbranch
will create a branch called newbranch and check it out. - gitb: git branch
- gitbg: git branch | grep [ search text ] search for branches that match a text pattern
For example:
gitbg newbranch
will list branches with "newbranch' in the name - gits: git status
This is from here
Tab completion for npm scripts.
This was sourced here:
Tab completion for yarn scripts. probably from here