Framework Status: Beta (Graduating to RC soon; API subject to change).
Install the template:
dotnet new install Event-Sourcing.Backbone.Templates
Create new:
dotnet new evtsrc -h
dotnet new evtsrc -n {name-of-the-project}
Uninstall the template:
dotnet new uninstall Event-Sourcing.Backbone.Templates
Basic setting (Redis only):
dotnet new evtsrc -uri event-demo --consumer-group main-consumer -n MyCompany.Events -e MyEvent
With s3 storage:
dotnet new evtsrc -uri event-demo-s3 -s3 --aws-profile AWS_PROFILE --aws-profile -awsregion us-east-1 --s3-bucket event-sourcing-demo -n MyCompany.Events.S3Storage -e MyEvent
Only Consumer:
dotnet new evtsrc --no-producer -uri event-demo-split --consumer-group main-consumer -n MyCompany.Events.Consumer -e MyEvent
Only Producer:
dotnet new evtsrc --no-consumer -uri event-demo-split -n MyCompany.Events.Producer -e MyEvent
With GitHub Workflow (CI):
dotnet new evtsrc -uri event-demo-ci --consumer-group main-consumer --github-ci --git-email [email protected] -n MyCompany.Events.CI -e MyEvent
Set up the environment with docker-compose.
Open terminal at the the solution folder
cd ./dockers/compose
docker compose up -d
Stop the environment
docker compose down
For Jaeger (tracing) Browse to:
For Grafana (metrics) Browse to::
# Credentials sets in the `compose.yaml` file
# Defaults are:
# user admin
# password: grafana
# Goto the Event Sourcing dashboard