The interactive application (
) has been developed within the Long-omics project. It provides functionalities to get insights about Nanopore Long Read samples.
Files needed for the application:
: TSV file with coverage information. Three columns: chromosome, genomic location and count.merged_LRS_IS.csv
: Merged VCF files (merged_LRS_ID.csv
), that are the output of the Variant Calling tools in VCF format, merged with the pyhton
provides information about all the samples included in the study. The row names are the samples id (LRS_id). More in detail, it requires the following columns: Chr, Start, End, Length, Gene, Method (Adaptive Sampling / Cas9 Enrichment).
Snakemake scripts:
: alignment and preprocessing of fastq files with minimap2 and bedtools.VC.smk
: variant calling with SVIM, Sniffles2, CuteSV and Pepper.vep.smk
and annotsv.smk: VEP and AnnotSV to assess relevance of the variants identified by the variant callers.