Igor Macro for analysis of ARPES measurement data (Scienta Omicron, SES) and so on
- BackgroundFilter.ipf Remove constant background noise
- Composite3D.ipf Make 3D cube from 2D slices
- SliceNormaluze.ipf Modify intensity of each slice
- FermiEdgeFitting.ipf Fit intensity by Fermi distribution function
- Invertaxes.ipf Invert angle/wavevector axes of 3D cube
- AnNormalize.ipf Normalize ARPES data using the intensity spectrum from Au polycrystal
- Analysis_2goki.ipf A combination of macros for analyzing ARPES data from 2goki@ISSP
- emu_convert.ipf Convert magnetization measurement data
The values of physical constants are from https://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Constants/