algoDEA - Algorand Plugin for Intellij
Stable Version : v0.9.0 (Available on Jetbrains Plugin Marketplace)
Algorand Smart Contract Project type
Code Completion, Syntax Highlighter and other editor level support for TEAL file
Create Stateless & Stateful Smart Contract
Atomic Transfer
PyTeal Support
Dry Run support for stateful & stateless contract (Experimental)
Algorand Node support
- Custom node
TEAL Compile using "goal" and algod REST api endpoint
Account Management
- Create account
- Create Multi-Sig account
- List Account
- Account Details
- Dump Account
Stateless Smart Contract
- Generate Logic sig and multi-sig Logic Sig
- Send Logic Sig transactions
Stateful Smart Contract
- Create Application
- Call, OptIn, CloseOut, Clear, ReadState
- Delete Application
- Update Application
Asset Management
- Creat, Modify, OptIn, Freeze, UnFreeze, Revoke, Destroy
- Algo, ASA
JS Client code (sdk) generation
The plugin has been tested with the following IDEs
- IntelliJ IDEA (Community/Ultimate/Educational)
- PyCharm
- GoLand
- WebStorm
- PhpStorm
Known Issues:
Message alert popup doesn't work properly on 2020.3 Ultimate edition with Big Sur OS (Mac). Due to this some functionalities don't work as expected.
Similar issue (
Fix: Upgrade your IDE to a newer version.
PyTeal compilation through pop-up menu only works in IntelliJ IDEA and PyCharm.
algoDEA plugin is available on IntelliJ Marketplace as "AlgoDEA Algorand Integration". You can directly install it from IntelliJ IDE. (
You can also manually download and install the plugin from the "releases" section of this project. (
- algoDEA IntelliJ IDEA Plugin documents can be found at (
- Clone the repository
- $> ./gradlew clean build
- $> Get the plugin zip file from build/distributions/algodea-{version}.zip