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AML/CTF/KYC/OFAC Search of global watchlist, sanctions, and politically exposed person (PEP)


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Moov Watchman is an HTTP API and Go library to download, parse and offer search functions over numerous trade sanction lists from the United States, European Union governments, agencies, and non profits for complying with regional laws. Also included is a web UI and async webhook notification service to initiate processes on remote systems.

Checkout our demo instance of Watchman or the OpenAPI specification for use with your favorite language.

Docs: Project | API Endpoints | Admin API Endpoints

Lists included in search are:

All United States or European Union companies are required to comply with various regulations and sanction lists (such as the US Patriot Act requiring compliance with the BIS Denied Person's List). Moov's primary usage for this project is with ACH origination in our paygate project.

To get started using Watchman try our Docker image (or OpenShift images) with the steps below. We also have a demo instance as part of Moov's demo environment. We offer binary downloads without the included WebUI as well

Note: We also offer a moov/watchman:static Docker image with files from 2019. This image can be useful for faster local testing or consistent results.

Run as a Docker image

$ docker run -p 8084:8084 -p 9094:9094 -it moov/watchman:latest
ts=2019-02-05T00:03:31.9583844Z caller=main.go:42 startup="Starting watchman server version v0.14.0"

Perform a basic search

$ curl -s localhost:8084/search?q=...
    "SDNs": [{
        "entityID": "...",
        "sdnName": "...",
        "sdnType": "...",
        "program": "...",
        "title": "...",
        "callSign": "...",
        "vesselType": "...",
        "tonnage": "...",
        "grossRegisteredTonnage": "...",
        "vesselFlag": "...",
        "vesselOwner": "...",
        "remarks": "...",
        "match": 1
    "altNames": [{
        "entityID": "...",
        "alternateID": "...",
        "alternateType": "...",
        "alternateName": "...",
        "alternateRemarks": "...",
        "match": 0.7999999999999999
    "addresses": [{
        "entityID": "...",
        "addressID": "...",
        "address": "...",
        "cityStateProvincePostalCode": "...",
        "country": "...",
        "addressRemarks": "...",
        "match": 0.7401785714285715
    "sectoralSanctions": [{
        "entityID": "...",
        "type": "...",
        "programs": ["...", "..."],
        "name": "...",
        "addresses": ["...", "..."],
        "remarks": ["...", "..."],
        "alternateNames": ["...", "..."],
        "ids": ["...", "..."],
        "sourceListURL": "...",
        "sourceInfoURL": "...",
        "match": 0.7428571428571429
    "deniedPersons": [{
        "name": "...",
        "streetAddress": "...",
        "city": "...",
        "state": "...",
        "country": "...",
        "postalCode": "...",
        "effectiveDate": "...",
        "expirationDate": "...",
        "standardOrder": "...",
        "lastUpdate": "...",
        "action": "...",
        "frCitation": "...",
        "match": 0.7268518518518519
    "bisEntities": [{
        "name": "...",
        "alternateNames": ["...", "..."],
        "addresses": ["..."],
        "startDate": "...",
        "licenseRequirement": "...",
        "licensePolicy": "...",
        "FRNotice": "...",
        "sourceListURL": "...",
        "sourceInfoURL": "...",
        "match": 1
    "refreshedAt": "2019-12-03T15:31:41.81849-07:00"

Run as a binary

$ wget
$ chmod +x watchman-darwin-amd64
$ ./watchman-darwin-amd64
ts=2019-02-05T00:03:31.9583844Z caller=main.go:42 startup="Starting watchman server version v0.14.0"

Web UI

Moov Sanction Search ships with a web interface for easier access searching the records. Our Docker image hosts the UI by default, but you can build and run it locally as well.

$ make
CGO_ENABLED=1 go build -o ./bin/server
npm run build

$ go run ./cmd/server/ # Load http://localhost:8084 in a web browser


Environmental Variable Description Default
DATA_REFRESH_INTERVAL Interval for data redownload and reparse. off disables this refreshing. 12h
INITIAL_DATA_DIRECTORY Directory filepath with initial files to use instead of downloading. Periodic downloads will replace the initial files. Empty
WEBHOOK_BATCH_SIZE How many watches to read from database per batch of async searches. 100
LOG_FORMAT Format for logging lines to be written as. Options: json, plain - Default: plain
BASE_PATH HTTP path to serve API and web UI from. /
HTTP_BIND_ADDRESS Address to bind HTTP server on. This overrides the command-line flag -http.addr. Default: :8084
HTTP_ADMIN_BIND_ADDRESS Address to bind admin HTTP server on. This overrides the command-line flag -admin.addr. Default: :9094
HTTPS_CERT_FILE Filepath containing a certificate (or intermediate chain) to be served by the HTTP server. Requires all traffic be over secure HTTP. Empty
HTTPS_KEY_FILE Filepath of a private key matching the leaf certificate from HTTPS_CERT_FILE. Empty
DATABASE_TYPE Which database option to use (Options: sqlite, mysql) Default: sqlite
WEB_ROOT Directory to serve web UI from Default: webui/

List Configurations

Environmental Variable Description Default
OFAC_DOWNLOAD_TEMPLATE HTTP address for downloading raw OFAC files.
DPL_DOWNLOAD_TEMPLATE HTTP address for downloading the DPL
CSL_DOWNLOAD_TEMPLATE HTTP address for downloading the Consolidated Screening List (CSL), which is a collection of US government sanctions lists.
KEEP_STOPWORDS Boolean to keep stopwords in names. false
DEBUG_NAME_PIPELINE Boolean to pring debug messages for each name (SDN, SSI) processing step. false


Based on DATABASE_TYPE the following environment variables will be read to configure connections for a specific database.

  • MYSQL_ADDRESS: TCP address for connecting to the mysql server. (example: tcp(hostname:3306))
  • MYSQL_DATABASE: Name of database to connect into.
  • MYSQL_PASSWORD: Password of user account for authentication.
  • MYSQL_USER: Username used for authentication,

Refer to the mysql driver documentation for connection parameters.

  • MYSQL_TIMEOUT: Timeout parameter specified on (DSN) data source name. (Default: 30s)
  • SQLITE_DB_PATH: Local filepath location for the paygate SQLite database. (Default: watchman.db)

Refer to the sqlite driver documentation for connection parameters.


  • Download OFAC, BIS Denied Persons List (DPL), and various other data sources on startup
  • Index data for searches
  • Async searches and notifications (webhooks)
  • Manual overrides to mark a Company or Customer as unsafe (blocked) or exception (never blocked).
  • Library for OFAC and BIS DPL data to download and parse their custom files

Webhook Notifications

When SancionSearch sends a webhook to your application the body will contain a JSON representation of the Company or Customer model as the body to a POST request. You can see an example in Go.

An Authorization header will also be sent with the authToken provided when setting up the watch. Clients should verify this token to ensure authenticated communicated.

Webhook notifications are ran after the OFAC data is successfully refreshed, which is determined by the DATA_REFRESH_INTERVAL environmental variable.

Watching a specific Customer or Company by ID

Moov Sanction Search supports sending a webhook periodically when a specific Company or Customer is to be watched. This is designed to update another system about an OFAC entry's sanction status.

Watching a customer or company name

Moov Sanction Search supports sending a webhook periodically with a free-form name of a Company or Customer. This allows external applications to be notified when an entity matching that name is added to the OFAC list. The match percentage will be included in the JSON payload.

Prometheus Metrics
  • http_response_duration_seconds: A Histogram of HTTP response timings
  • last_data_refresh_success: Unix timestamp of when data was last refreshed successfully
  • last_data_refresh_count: Count of records for a given sanction or entity list
  • match_percentages A Histogram which holds the match percentages with a label (type) of searches
    • type: Can be address, q, remarksID, name, altName
  • mysql_connections: How many MySQL connections and what status they're in.
  • sqlite_connections: How many sqlite connections and what status they're in.

Generating a Client

We use openapi-generator from the OpenAPI team to generate API clients for popular programming languages from the API specification. To generate the Go client run make client from Watchman's root directory.

To generate the admin Go client run make admin.

Reporting blocks to OFAC

OFAC requires annual reports of blocked entities and offers guidance for this report. Section 31 C.F.R. § 501.603(b)(2) requires this annual report.

Getting Help

We maintain a runbook for common issues and configuration options. Also, if you've encountered a security issue please contact us at [email protected].

channel info
Project Documentation Our project documentation available online.
Google Group moov-users The Moov users Google group is for contributors other people contributing to the Moov project. You can join them without a google account by sending an email to [email protected]. After receiving the join-request message, you can simply reply to that to confirm the subscription.
Twitter @moov_io You can follow Moov.IO's Twitter feed to get updates on our project(s). You can also tweet us questions or just share blogs or stories.
GitHub Issue If you are able to reproduce a problem please open a GitHub Issue under the specific project that caused the error.
moov-io slack Join our slack channel to have an interactive discussion about the development of the project.


Yes please! Please review our Contributing guide and Code of Conduct to get started! Checkout our issues for first time contributors for something to help out with.

This project uses Go Modules and uses Go 1.14 or higher. See Golang's install instructions for help setting up Go. You can download the source code and we offer tagged and released versions as well. We highly recommend you use a tagged release for production.



Apache License 2.0 See LICENSE for details.


AML/CTF/KYC/OFAC Search of global watchlist, sanctions, and politically exposed person (PEP)







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  • Go 90.3%
  • JavaScript 7.0%
  • Shell 1.2%
  • Makefile 0.9%
  • HTML 0.3%
  • Dockerfile 0.2%
  • CSS 0.1%