This library allows you to interact with the Blimp API using PHP. You can find more information about Blimp's Public API documentation at If you have any problems or requests please contact [support](mailto:[email protected]?subject=Blimp API PHP library).
Licensed under the MIT License.
Using Github:
git clone [email protected]:getblimp/blimp-php
Using Composer:
"require": {
"blimp/client": "dev-master"
Then run:
composer install
Before we begin using the library you need to signup to Blimp and generate a new API Key if you don't have one in your settings as well as an Application ID and Secret in your applications.
# load the client using Composer's autoloader
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
$client = new Blimp\Client($username, $api_key, $app_id, $app_secret);
# or load the client without an autoloader
require_once 'src/BlimpClient.php';
$client = new BlimpClient($username, $api_key, $app_id, $app_secret);
# get all companies that I'm part of
$companies = $client->get('company');
# get one company by id
$companies = $client->get('company', 1);
# get all projects for one company
$projects = $client->get('project', null, array('company' => 1));
# get count of total projects
$total_projects = $projects->meta->total_count;
# Loop through all projects and print their name
foreach($projects->objects as $project) {
echo $project->name;
# Get all goals for a project
$goals = $client.get('goal', null, array('project' => 1));
# Get all tasks for a goal
$tasks = $client.get('task', null, array('goal' => 1));
# Get all comments for a task
$comments = $client.get('comment', null, array('content_type' => 'todo', 'object_pk': 1));
# Get schema for all available endpoints
# All available methods per endpoint
# $client.get($resource_name);
# $client.get($resource_name, $id);
# $client.create($resource_name, $data);
# $client.update($resource_name, $id, $data);
# $client.delete($resource_name, $id);
# $client.schema($resource_name);
"meta": {
"limit": 20,
"next": null,
"offset": 0,
"previous": null,
"total_count": 1
"objects": [
"company_users": [
"accepted_invitation": true,
"date_created": "2012-11-01T00:00:00",
"date_modified": "2012-11-27T02:22:09.817265",
"id": 38,
"is_active": true,
"role": "admin",
"user": "/api/v2/user/3/"
"accepted_invitation": true,
"date_created": "2012-11-01T00:00:00",
"date_modified": "2012-11-27T02:22:09.705959",
"id": 37,
"is_active": true,
"role": "admin",
"user": "/api/v2/user/2/"
"accepted_invitation": true,
"date_created": "2012-11-01T00:00:00",
"date_modified": "2012-11-27T02:22:09.380851",
"id": 39,
"is_active": true,
"role": "owner",
"user": "/api/v2/user/1/"
"date_created": "2012-11-01T00:00:00",
"date_modified": "2012-12-21T21:57:09.965247",
"id": 1,
"image_url": "",
"name": "Blimp",
"resource_uri": "/api/v2/company/1/",
"slug": "blimp",
"used_projects": 0,
"used_storage": "4929882"
What else would you like this library to do? Let me know. Feel free to send pull requests for any improvements you make.
- Tests