A simple, non-feature complete Go client library for interacting with a Pocketbase instance.
The pbclient package provides a Go API to interact with Pocketbase, allowing operations such as authentication, fetching logs, creating records, fetching records by ID, filtering records, and updating records.
The package utilizes the requests
package from github.com/blakepatteson/gorequests
(a simple http wrapper) for making HTTP requests."
- Authenticating as admin or user.
- Fetching logs.
- Creating new records in a specified collection.
- Getting records from a collection with optional parameters like filter and expand.
- Getting records by ID.
- Geting all records from a collection.
- Updating an existing record.
- Filtering and expanding results for more complex queries
pb, err := NewPocketbase("http://your-pocketbase-url.com", "your-username", "your-password", true) // true for admin, false for user
out, err := pb.CreateRecord("collectionName", `your-record-data-in-json-format`)
allLogs, err := pb.GetAllLogs()
record, err := pb.GetRecordById("collectionName", "recordId")
filteredRecords, err := pb.GetFilteredRecords("collectionName", "your-filter-string")
updatedId, err := pb.UpdateRecord("collectionName",
`{"someKey":"someValue","anotherField":"anotherValue"}`, "recordId")
statusCode, err := pb.DeleteRecord("collectionName", "0f8l6f7zm98vhle")
To run tests for the pbclient package, you'll need to have a local instance of PocketBase running. You can easily set this up using the provided Dockerfile in the repository.
Ensure you have Docker installed on your machine.
Navigate to the root directory of the repository and build the Docker image using the provided Dockerfile:
sh buildLocalPb.sh
or just
docker build -t pocketbase-local .
docker run -p 8080:8080 pocketbase-local
This script will use the Dockerfile to create a local PocketBase image and start a container that exposes the service on port 8080.
Once the container is running, the PocketBase service will be accessible at
With the PocketBase service running locally, navigate to the pbclient directory and execute your tests:
go test -v
Make sure the configuration in your tests (like the PocketBase URL) matches the local setup (
Feel free to contribute to this project by opening issues or submitting pull requests, especially if adding features for more functionality.
This project is licensed under the MIT license.