@daostack/client › Globals › Event
- Event
+ new Event(idOrOpts
: string | IEventStaticState, context
: Arc): Event
Defined in event.ts:90
Name | Type |
idOrOpts |
string | IEventStaticState |
context |
Arc |
Returns: Event
• context: Arc
Defined in event.ts:92
• id: string
Defined in event.ts:89
• idOrOpts: string | IEventStaticState
Defined in event.ts:92
• staticState: IEventStaticState | undefined
Defined in event.ts:90
▸ fetchStaticState(): Promise‹IEventStaticState›
Defined in event.ts:135
Returns: Promise‹IEventStaticState›
▸ setStaticState(opts
: IEventStaticState): void
Defined in event.ts:131
Name | Type |
opts |
IEventStaticState |
Returns: void
▸ state(apolloQueryOptions
: IApolloQueryOptions): Observable‹IEventState›
Defined in event.ts:102
Name | Type | Default |
apolloQueryOptions |
IApolloQueryOptions | {} |
Returns: Observable‹IEventState›
▸ search(context
: Arc, options
: IEventQueryOptions, apolloQueryOptions
: IApolloQueryOptions): Observable‹Event[]›
Defined in event.ts:56
Event.search(context, options) searches for reward entities
Name | Type | Default | Description |
context |
Arc | - | an Arc instance that provides connection information |
options |
IEventQueryOptions | {} | the query options, cf. IEventQueryOptions |
apolloQueryOptions |
IApolloQueryOptions | {} | - |
Returns: Observable‹Event[]›
an observable of Event objects
Defined in event.ts:34
• EventFields: any = gqlfragment EventFields on Event { id dao { id } type data user proposal { id } timestamp }
Defined in event.ts:35