This patch is mostly a bugfix patch but also includes addition of several input method displays.
New Features:
- Added UK input method display.
- Added German input method display.
- Added Swedish/Danish input method display.
- Software now replaces previous version of input methods in non-portable versions of Arbites if a new version of Arbites is ran.
- Sticky keys were misplaced in another tab in the key menu, it is now fixed.
- Other keys were misplaced, it is now fixed.
- The tapdance editor did not load the timeout configuration properly, it is now fixed.
- Layer counts in the secondary side on split keyboards were not configured properly if there were more than 3 layers, this is now fixed.
Known Issues:
- Certain Mac OS users were unable to run the mac bundle under Mac OS Sierra, a temporary workaround is available by downloading and running the Linux version of Arbites instead.
Attached below are the executable binary files and source code: