Flutter plugin implemented Branch IO's SDK to Flutter.
Supports both Android and iOS.
Implemented function:
- Initialization and get Deep Link data to a subscribe-able stream on dart.
- Create BUO and MetaData model
- Generate new deeplink and get the link
- List BUO on google search
- Track content & evnt
- Track user by id
- You need to call this code inside your application's initState
if (Platform.isAndroid) FlutterBranchIoPlugin.setupBranchIO(); // will throw an exception if it fails FlutterBranchIoPlugin.listenToDeepLinkStream().listen((string) { print("DEEPLINK $string"); // PROCESS DEEPLINK HERE }); if (Platform.isAndroid) { FlutterAndroidLifecycle.listenToOnStartStream().listen((string) { print("ONSTART"); FlutterBranchIoPlugin.setupBranchIO(); }); }
Import flutter_branch_io_plugin to your
Change these setups in your
Open your MainActivity and import
Change the MainActivity class to extend FlutterAndroidLifecycleActivity
Add this inside your AndroidManifest.xml (inside activity tag, after the Main and Launcher intent-filter)
<!-- Branch URI scheme --> <intent-filter> <data android:scheme="YOURSCHEME" android:host="open"/> <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" /> </intent-filter>
<!-- Branch App Links --> <intent-filter android:autoVerify="true"> <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" /> <data android:scheme="https" android:host="YOURHOST.test-app.link" /> </intent-filter>
Where YOURSCHEME is the Deep Link Scheme you setup at Branch.io dashboard, and YOURHOST is the Deep Link Host you setup at the dashboard
And add this inside application, (right after )
<!-- Branch init --> <meta-data android:name="io.branch.sdk.BranchKey" android:value="YOURLIVEKEY" /> <meta-data android:name="io.branch.sdk.BranchKey.test" android:value="YOURTESTKEY" /> <meta-data android:name="io.branch.sdk.TestMode" android:value="true" /> <!-- Set to true to use Branch_Test_Key -->
<!-- Branch install referrer tracking --> <receiver android:name="io.branch.referral.InstallListener" android:exported="true"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="com.android.vending.INSTALL_REFERRER" /> </intent-filter> </receiver>
Where YOURLIVEKEY is your Branch.io live key, and YOURTESTKEY is your Branch.io test key.
- Last, you need to call this code inside your application's initState
if (Platform.isAndroid) FlutterBranchIoPlugin.setupBranchIO(); // will throw an exception if it fails FlutterBranchIoPlugin.listenToDeepLinkStream().listen((string) { print("DEEPLINK $string"); // PROCESS DEEPLINK HERE }); if (Platform.isAndroid) { FlutterAndroidLifecycle.listenToOnStartStream().listen((string) { print("ONSTART"); FlutterBranchIoPlugin.setupBranchIO(); }); }
- To generate new deep link from flutter, you can use this (Support both Android & iOS) First, you need to subscribe to the generated link stream, which will produce the generated link after you created a link from a branch universal object
FlutterBranchIoPlugin.listenToGeneratedLinkStream().listen((link) {
setState(() {
this.generatedLink = link;
Then, you can start generate new links based on any Branch Universal Object you pass, and you can also add some Link Properties inside (support Android & iOS)
.setTitle("My Content Title")
.setContentDescription("My Content Description")
lpChannel: "facebook",
lpFeature: "sharing",
lpCampaign: "content 123 launch",
lpStage: "new user",
lpControlParams: {
"url": "http://www.google.com"
- Track Content (Support Both Android & iOS) to track content, you can create a new branch universal object and some event identifier (String)
FlutterBranchIoPlugin.trackContent( FlutterBranchUniversalObject()
.setTitle("My Content Title")
.setContentDescription("My Content Description")
.setLocalIndexMode(BUO_CONTENT_INDEX_MODE.PUBLIC), FlutterBranchStandardEvent.VIEW_ITEM);
- Set User ID (support both Android & iOS) to set user id for current session, you can use
- Clear User ID (support both Android & iOS) to clear user id for current session, you can use
- List Universal Object on Google Search (support Android only) to list an universal object on google search, you can use
.setTitle("My Content Title")
.setContentDescription("My Content Description")
lpChannel: "facebook",
lpFeature: "sharing",
lpCampaign: "content 123 launch",
lpStage: "new user",
lpControlParams: {
"url": "http://www.google.com"
- 0.0.1
- Initial upload
- 0.0.1+2
- Add Swift dependencies and version
- 0.0.1+3
- Fix Branch data not received after user install
- 0.0.1+4
- Fix method not implemented errors on iOS
- 0.0.1+5
- Implement iOS swift side
- 0.0.2
- add iml to gitignore & adjust to Branch's new SDK functions including: remove arguments from isTestModeEnabled change enableLogging to enableDebugMode because deprecated
- 0.0.2+1
- Change README's obsolete instructions for Android
- 0.0.2+2
- Upgrade Kotlin version to 1.3.21
- 0.0.3
- Notify on Android if branch io can't be initialized
- 1.0.0
- Implement iOS scheme so we don't need to edit the
file directly
- Implement iOS scheme so we don't need to edit the
- 1.0.1
- Fix errors in v1.0.0
- Update
to v1.0.0
- Angga Dwi Arifandi ([email protected])
- Abdul Ghapur ([email protected])
- Amond ([email protected])