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Component to integrate with Saleryd HRV unit

⚠️ Disclaimer

🤓 This integration has been developed for my HRV unit for personal use.

☣️ Be careful when altering settings on your ventilation system. Improper settings on your ventilation system can over time damage your house and personal health.

💣 Use at own risk.

❕ I am in no way affiliated with Saleryd. All trademarks belong to their respective owners.


Monitor and control Saleryd HRV units from Home Assistant.

Ideas for automations

  • airflow/temperature/cooling based on presence/schedule.
  • cooling/temperature mode based on external temperature/humidity sensors or alarm system state
  • energy price integration
  • remote control using dashboard or physical controls
  • ...

Integration features


Name Description Unit State attributes
boost_mode_minutes_left minutes left until boost mode expires min
extract_fan_speed fan speed %
filter_months_left filter months left m
fireplace_mode_minutes_left minutes left until fireplace mode expires min
heat_exchanger_rotor_speed_percent  rotor speed of heat exchanger %
heat_exchanger_rotor_speed  rotor speed of heat exchanger rpm
heater_active  auxillary heater active Running | Not running
heater_air_temperature air temperature at heater  °C
heater_power_percent auxillary heater power %
product_number  product number str
supply_air_temperature supply air temperature °C
supply_fan_speed fan speed %
system_active  status of the system Running | Not running
system_name  control system name str
system_version control system version str
system_warning system warning Problem | No problem raw system error/warning codes
target_temperature target air temperature °C
temperature_mode current temperature mode setting Cool | Normal | Economy
ventilation_mode current ventilation mode setting Normal | Away | Boost
normal_temperature temperature setting for Normal mode °C
economy_temperature temperature setting for Economy mode °C
cool_temperature temperature setting for Cool mode °C
heater_power_rating auxillary heater power rating W


Name Description
cooling_mode Turn cooling mode on/off
fireplace_mode  Turn fireplace mode on/off


Name Description
ventilation_mode  set ventilation mode Normal/Away/Boost
temperature_mode  set temperature mode Cool/Normal/Economy
system state  set control system state on/off


Name  Description
cool_temperature  Cool temperature installer setting
economy_temperature Economy temperature installer setting
normal_temperature Normal temperature installer setting


Name Description
system_reset Reset system warnings

Experimental features


Name Description Unit
heater_power Estimated auxillary heater power W


Switch Description
cooking_mode Turn cooking mode on/off. Emulates cooking mode when fireplace mode is active. When cooking mode is active, it automatically deactivates fireplace_mode before its timer expires. This will reset rotary heat exchanger to normal operation as is desirable in warm weather.

Supported devices

Model Confirmed supported control system versions Unsupported control system versions
LOKE LS-01 4.1.5 <4.1.5*
LOKE LT-01 unconfirmed
LOKE LS-02 unconfirmed
LOKE LT-02 unconfirmed

* connectivity issues in versions below 4.1.5


HACS Install

  1. In Home Assistant go to HACS -> Integrations and add this repository as a custom repository.
  2. In Home Assistant go to Configuration -> Integrations click + and search for Saleryd HRV.
  3. Click install.
  4. Restart Home Assistant.

Manual ZIP install

  1. Download release .zip file from releases page.
  2. Copy the saleryd_hrv directory from the release archive to the /custom_components directory in your Home Assistant server.
  3. Restart Home Assistant.



  1. Connect HRV system to your local WIFI network. See instructions in user manual.
  2. Take note of the assigned IP adress of the system

YAML Configuration

Configuration in congfiguration.yaml is not supported

UI Configuration

Setting Description Default
Name System name. Must be unique. 
Websocket IP IP adress of the HRV system on the local WIFI network
Port Port number for websocket connection 3001
Enable installer settings  Altering HRV system configuration set by the installer from Home Assistant. Don't alter these settings unless you know what you are doing False
Installer password  Installer password. Required for installer settings


I can't connect to HRV system

  • Check the Home Assitant logs
  • Confirm system is connected and the UI portal is reachable on the local network. Follow steps in the manual.
  • Confirm websocket port by connecting to the UI using a browser and take note of websocket port using debug console in browser.
  • The system HRV can only handle a few connected clients. Shut down any additional clients/browsers and try again.

I can't modify installer settings

  • Ensure installer settings are enabled in integration configuration
  • Ensure installer password is correct


Issues and PRs welcome!


Enable debug logging

Add component to the logger section of homeassistant configuration.yaml.

    custom_components.saleryd_hrv: debug

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