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Tweak the EDD doc (#184)
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Hinton authored Sep 21, 2023
1 parent e4f5218 commit f420880
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Showing 5 changed files with 119 additions and 60 deletions.
121 changes: 61 additions & 60 deletions docs/contributing/database-migrations/edd.mdx
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@@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
import Tabs from "@theme/Tabs";
import TabItem from "@theme/TabItem";

import refactoringPhases from "./refactoring_phases.jpg";

# Evolutionary database design

At Bitwarden we follow
[Evolutionary Database Design (EDD)](
EDD describes a process where the database schema is continuously updated while still ensuring
compatibility with older releases by using database transition phases.
At Bitwarden we follow [Evolutionary Database Design (EDD)][edd-wiki]. EDD describes a process where
the database schema is continuously updated while still ensuring compatibility with older releases
by defining a database transition phases.

Additional requirements include:
Bitwarden also needs to support:

- **Zero-downtime deployments**: Which means that multiple versions of the application will be
running concurrently during the deployment window.
Expand All @@ -32,73 +29,76 @@ For background on this decision please see the [Evolutionary Database Design RFD

## Design

Database changes can be categorized into two categories: destructive and non-destructive
Database changes can be categorized into two categories: destructive and non-destructive changes
\[[1](./edd#further-reading)\]. A destructive change prevents existing functionality from working as
expected without an accompanying code change. A non-destructive change is one that does not require
a code change to allow the application to continue working as expected.
expected without an accompanying code change. A non-destructive change is the opposite: a database
change that does not require a code change to allow the non-application to continue working as

### Non-destructive database changes
### Non-destructive changes

Non-destructive changes almost always use either nullable fields or default values in the database
tables, views, and stored procedures. This ensures that the stored procedures can be called without
the new columns which allows it to run with both the old and new code.
Many database changes can be designed in a backwards compatible manner by using a mix of nullable
fields and default values in the database tables, views, and stored procedures. This ensures that
the stored procedures can be called without the new columns and allow them to run with both the old
and new code.

### Destructive changes

Destructive database changes are handled elegantly by breaking them up into three phases: _Start_,
_Transition_ and _End_.

<div style={{ margin: "1em" }}>
<img src={refactoringPhases} alt="Refactoring Phases" />
<div style={{ fontSize: 12, textAlign: "center" }}>
Refactoring Phases:{" "}
<a href="">
{" "}{" "}

To add terminology to compliment the [above diagram](./edd#destructive-changes), migrations that are
a part of "Deploy new changes, migrate data, put in scaffolding code" are considered _Initial_
migrations. Migrations that are run during the Transition Phase are considered _Transition_
migrations. And the migrations that run as a part of "Remove old schema, scaffolding code" are
considered _Finalization_ migrations. The definitions of each are helpful when discussing the type
of migration in relation to orchestrating them during a deployment.

### Initial migrations

- Compatible with _X.1.0_ **and** _X.2.0_ application code changes
- Represents the beginning of a database change
- Updates the database schema to support any new functionality while also maintaining old
- Supports both the previous version of code and the one being upgraded to
- Run during upgrade
- Must execute quickly to minimize downtime.

### Transition migrations

- Compatible with _X.1.0_ **and** _X.2.0_ application code changes
- The time between initial migration and finalization migration
- Exists to provide an opportunity to rollback server to _X.1.0_ version prior to breaking changes
Any change that cannot be done in a non-destructive manner is a destructive change. This can be as
simple as adding a non nullable column where the value needs to be computed from existing fields, or
renaming an existing column. To handle destructive changes it's necessary to break them up into
three phases: _Start_, _Transition_, and _End_ as shown in the diagram below.


![Refactoring Stages](./transitions.png)

<figcaption>Refactoring Phases</figcaption>


It's worth noting that the _Refactoring Phases_ are usually rolling, and the _End phase_ of one
refactor is the _Transition phase_ of another. The table below details which application releases
needs to be supported during which database phase.

| Database Phase | Release X | Release X+1 | Release X+2 |
| -------------- | --------- | ----------- | ----------- |
| Start ||||
| Transition ||||
| End ||||

### Migrations

The three different migrations described in the diagram above are, _Initial migration_, _Transition
migration_ and _ Finalization migration_.

#### Initial migration

The initial migration runs before the code deployment, and its purpose is to add support for
_Release X+1_ without breaking support of _Release X_. The migration should execute quickly and not
contain any costly operations to ensure zero downtime.

#### Transition migration

The transition migration are run sometime during the transition phase, and provides an optional data
migration should it be too slow or put too much load on the database, or otherwise make it
unsuitable for the _Initial migration_.

- Compatible with _Release X_ **and** _Release X+1_ application.
- Only data population migrations may be run at this time, if they are needed
- Optional step, required only when migrating data would be too slow to execute during the initial
migration. This might be a column population, index creation, anything to prepare the database
for the _X.2.0_ version
- Must be run as a background task during the Transition phase.
- These MUST run in a way where the database stays responsive during the full migration
- Operation is batched or otherwise optimized to ensure the database stays responsive.
- Schema changes are NOT to be run during this phase.

### Finalization migrations
#### Finalization migration

- Only compatible with _X.2.0_ application code; represents the point of no return for this
- Removes columns, data, and fallback code required to support _X.1.0_ version
- Should be run as a typical migration either during a subsequent upgrade
The finalization migration removes the temporary measurements that were needed to retain backwards
compatibility with _Release X_, and the database schema henceforth only supports _Release X+1_.
These migrations are run as part of the deployment of _Release X+2_.

### Example

Lets look at an example, the rename column refactor is shown in the image below.
Let's look at an example, the rename column refactor is shown in the image below.

![Rename Column Refactor](./rename-column.gif)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -318,5 +318,6 @@ ensure their database changes run correctly against the currently released versi
4. Refactoring Databases: Evolutionary Database Design (Addison-Wesley Signature Series (Fowler))
ISBN-10: 0321774515

Binary file not shown.
53 changes: 53 additions & 0 deletions docs/contributing/database-migrations/transitions.drawio
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@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
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5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions src/css/custom.css
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Expand Up @@ -45,3 +45,8 @@
.menu__link--active {
font-weight: bold;

figcaption {
text-align: center;
font-style: italic;

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