Seamless JWT authentication for Rails API
Knock is an authentication solution for Rails API-only application based on JSON Web Tokens.
- It's lightweight.
- It's tailored for Rails API-only application.
- It's stateless.
- It works out of the box with Auth0.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'knock'
Then execute:
$ bundle install
Finally, run the install generator:
$ rails generate knock:install
It will create the following initializer config/initializers/knock.rb
This file contains all the informations about the existing configuration options.
If you don't use an external authentication solution like Auth0, you also need to provide a way for users to sign in:
$ rails generate knock:token_controller user
This will generate the controller user_token_controller.rb
and add the required route to your config/routes.rb
You can also provide another entity instead of user
. E.g. admin
Knock makes one assumption about your user model:
It must have an authenticate
method, similar to the one added by has_secure_password.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
Using has_secure_password
is recommended, but you don't have to as long as your user model implements an authenticate
instance method with the same behavior.
Include the Knock::Authenticable
module in your ApplicationController
class ApplicationController < ActionController::API
include Knock::Authenticable
You can now protect your resources by calling authenticate_user
as a before_action
inside your controllers:
class SecuredController < ApplicationController
before_action :authenticate_user
def index
# etc...
# etc...
You can access the current user in your controller with current_user
If no valid token is passed with the request, Knock will respond with:
head :unauthorized
You can modify this behaviour by overriding unauthorized_entity
in your controller.
You also have access directly to current_user
which will try to authenticate or return nil
def index
if current_user
# do something
# do something else
Note: the authenticate_user
method uses the current_user
method. Overwriting current_user
may cause unexpected behaviour.
You can do the exact same thing for any entity. E.g. for Admin
, use authenticate_admin
and current_admin
If you're using a namespaced model, Knock won't be able to infer it automatically from the method name. Instead you can use authenticate_for
directly like this:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
include Knock::Authenticable
def authenticate_v1_user
authenticate_for V1::User
class SecuredController < ApplicationController
before_action :authenticate_v1_user
Then you get the current user by calling current_v1_user
instead of current_user
The entity model (e.g. User
) can implement specific methods to provide
customization over different parts of the authentication process.
- Find the entity when creating the token (when signing in)
By default, Knock tries to find the entity by email. If you want to modify this
behaviour, implement within your entity model a class method from_token_request
that takes the request in argument.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.from_token_request request
# Returns a valid user, `nil` or raise `Knock.not_found_exception_class_name`
# e.g.
# email = request.params["auth"] && request.params["auth"]["email"]
# self.find_by email: email
- Find the authenticated entity from the token payload (when authenticating a request)
By default, Knock assumes the payload as a subject (sub
) claim containing the entity's id
and calls find
on the model. If you want to modify this behaviour, implement within
your entity model a class method from_token_payload
that takes the
payload in argument.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.from_token_payload payload
# Returns a valid user, `nil` or raise
# e.g.
# self.find payload["sub"]
- Modify the token payload
By default the token payload contains the entity's id inside the subject (sub
) claim.
If you want to modify this behaviour, implement within your entity model an instance method
that returns a hash representing the payload.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
def to_token_payload
# Returns the payload as a hash
The initializer config/initializers/knock.rb
is generated when rails g knock:install
is executed. Each configuration variable is
documented with comments in the initializer itself.
Example request to get a token from your API:
POST /user_token
{"auth": {"email": "[email protected]", "password": "secret"}}
Example response from the API:
201 Created
{"jwt": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9"}
To make an authenticated request to your API, you need to pass the token via the request header:
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9
GET /my_resources
Knock responds with a 404 Not Found
when the user cannot be found or the password is invalid. This is a security best practice to avoid giving away information about the existence or not of a particular user.
NB: HTTPS should always be enabled when sending a password or token in your request.
To authenticate within your tests:
- Create a valid token
- Pass it in your request
class SecuredResourcesControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def authenticated_header
token = { sub: users(:one).id }).token
'Authorization': "Bearer #{token}"
it 'responds successfully' do
get secured_resources_url, headers: authenticated_header
assert_response :success
If no ActiveRecord is used, then you will need to specify what Exception will be used when the user is not found with the given credentials.
Knock.setup do |config|
# Exception Class
# ---------------
# Configure the Exception to be used (raised and rescued) for User Not Found.
# note: change this if ActiveRecord is not being used.
# Default:
config.not_found_exception_class_name = 'MyCustomException'
The JWT spec supports different kind of cryptographic signing algorithms.
You can set token_signature_algorithm
to use the one you want in the
initializer or do nothing and use the default one (HS256).
You can specify any of the algorithms supported by the jwt gem.
If the algorithm you use requires a public key, you also need to set
in the initializer.
To enable cross-origin resource sharing, check out the rack-cors gem.
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