Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
cd fyle-interview-intern-backend
virtualenv fylenv --python=python3.8 . fylenv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
### Run tests using this cmd.
export FLASK_APP=core/server.py rm core/store.sqlite3 flask db upgrade -d core/migrations/
pytest -vvv -s tests/
### Start Server
export FLASK_APP=core/server.py rm core/store.sqlite3 flask db upgrade -d core/migrations/
bash run.sh
### view the test coverage in the browser using this cmd.
export FLASK_APP=core/server.py rm core/store.sqlite3 flask db upgrade -d core/migrations/
pytest --cov --cov-report html open htmlcov/index.html
### Build the docker container first using this cmd.
this cmd is meant to be used when you made some changes or building first time. open your docker desktop first to start the docker engine and then enter the following cmd
docker compose up --build -d
### Run docker container using this cmd.
docker compose up -d
### Shut docker container up using this cmd.
docker compose down